Zendesk Forum Analytics

Zendesk Forum Analytics

Zendesk is a software suite that offers help desk ticketing, issue tracking, and customer service support. One of the features that Zendesk offers are forums that companies can use to communicate with their customers. This app collects data from the user's Zendesk forums and analyzes that data to present useful information into who and why people are using the forums.

The use of this application requires a Zendesk account with administrator privileges.

Getting Started with the Zendesk Forums Analytic App 

The first step in analyzing your Zendesk forums is to install the app from the App Market. When the app is being installed, it asks you to set up your Zendesk connection so that you can download your data into Datameer. Add your Zendesk hostname, username, password, and ensure the port number is correct. When complete, select Save and Run to finish the instillation of the application. 

When the application has been completely installed, you can open the infographic directly or return to your browser. This new app is located in the your Home folder under the child Applications folder.

Learn Useful Information From Your Zendesk Forums Data

The Zendesk Forums Analytics infographic covers the following topics:

  • Statistics about forum categories 
  • Common words used in forum titles 
  • Which users are posting the most
  • Which users are creating the most topics
  • Most popular forum topics
This chart lists the forum category names and their metrics. Find which categories are being used the most in terms of original posts, replies to postings, and the number of views.

The Tag List infographic displays the most common words used in title names.

This simple table returns the number of posts and replies that forum users have made.

Find who is creating the most topics on the forums. 

Explore the most popular topics.

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