Zendesk Tickets

Zendesk Tickets

The Zendesk Tickets application helps you analyze the tickets that your organization supports and resolves.

You need a Zendesk account and admin privileges to use this application.


The infographic contains the following six widgets to help you understand the value of your ticket support:

  • The bar chart displays how many of tickets are requested by each user, their priority level, and the number of days since the tickets were opened.
  • The line chart illustrates the trends for how long it takes to solve an open ticket measured in days.
  • The first polar area chart compares per requestor the average resolution time it takes, so you can see if requests from high-priority customers are solved more quickly.
  • The second polar area charts shows which companies are opening the most tickets.
  • The tag list widget identifies subjects that are frequently appeared in your tickets. The larger the word, the more frequently the subject has appeared.
  • The pie chart shows the average number of days a ticket remains opened, divided by organization.

Connection and Import

The application uses the Zendesk connection and integrates data using the following import jobs and file uploads:

  • User import job
  • Group import job
  • Organization import job
  • Tags import job
  • Tickets import job
  • Stop Words file upload


The application uses four workbooks to complete analysis:

  • The Zendesk users and organizations workbook combines tickets, user, and organization data using a join to prepare data for analysis in other workbooks.
  • The Organization Stats workbook uses filters and functions to find the average ticket duration in days and count the number of tickets generated by each organization.
  • The Requester Stats workbook summarizes information about tickets sorted by requester based on ticket priority level, count, and duration.
  • The Ticket Stats workbook uses partitions to bring in tickets created in the last 30 days and then finds the average duration to solve open ticket per days. The workbook finds the most commonly created subject at the word level after integrating data to remove stop words from text.

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