Database Driver General Information

Database Driver General Information

You have a lot of your data stored within a database that you need to analyze. This guide shows you all the steps needed to connect the MSSQL database database to Datameer. After you have set up the database connection you can then import your data so that it is ready for analysis. The Datameer X user must have administration privileges. 

Preventing Security Issues 


Datameer Admins who add a new database driver must be aware of malicious driver files that can attack Datameer X. To prevent adding dangerous driver jar files, obtain the required database driver files only from safe sources. 

Configuring the JDBC Import

By default, Datameer X sets the JDBC isolation level to TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED.

It can be configured by setting the following parameter in the das-job.properties file:

## jdbc import settings

This property can be overridden at a job level by adding the parameter to the /wiki/spaces/DASSB100/pages/32569526922 of a Data Import from a Database when ingesting the data. The parameter can also be set on the connection itself to ensure that the sample data is read successfully.

Find more information about this in /wiki/spaces/DASSB100/pages/32569526910.

Creating a Connection and Import Job with Microsoft SQL Server

Refer to the MSSQL connector instructions.

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