


On the 'Users' page, you can create, edit and delete a Datameer X user from the roles 'ADMIN' or 'ANALYST'.

Users Overview

Changing the Admin Password


Change the administrator's password as soon as possible. We recommend that the password should use a combination of upper and lowercase letters and special characters. Passwords can be a maximum of 255 characters long.

There are two ways to change the administrator password: Editing the user account for the specific account during 'Editing a User' or in the Datameer X property files. 

To reset the administration user password in the property files:

  1. Open the Datameer X file 'das-env.sh'.
  2. Remove the comment tag on '# export ADMIN_PASSWORD_RESET=true'.
  3. Restart Datameer X using the property '–resetPassword'. 
    INFO: When Datameer X has restarted, the administrator user's password is reset to the default as written in the 'default.properties' file.
  4. Enter the default password and the administrator user's password might then be changed to a new, unique password in the user account settings user interface. 
  5. When complete, go back to the 'das-env.sh' file and comment the line back in so the password doe not revert to the default upon restarting Datameer X.  

Searching for a User

To search for a user, enter at least one or more characters in the search field. The search result ist displayed. 
INFO: The search is context-sensitive. All users containing one or more characters are listet during the search. 
INFO: Those authenticating via LDAP authentication can only filter users by the <user name>. 

Creating a User

To create a new Datameer X user:

  1. Click on "Admin" and then on "Users"The page 'Users' opens. 
  2. Click on "New User"The configuration section opens at the bottom. 
  3. Enter the values for "User Name""Email""Password" and "Password Confirm"
    INFO: Available spacial characters for the user name are ".", "+", "@", "-", "_", "(" and ")". Others may interfere with Secure Impersonation.
  4. Select or deselect if the user account is abled/ disabled, the credentials are send by mail and the account can expire.
    INFO: If you mark the checkbox 'Account expires' you will be asked to insert an expiration date. 
  5. Select the role from the drop-down, if needed, enter an assigned group and additional information. Confirm with "Save"Creating a user is finished. The user is displayed in the user list above. 

Editing a User

To edit a Datameer X user:

  1. Click on the required user. The configuration section opens at the bottom.
  2. Change the required configuration and confirm with "Update"Editing a user is finished.

Deleting a User 


Note that a deleted user hast no longer access to the system.

A user's home directory and all the artifacts (connections, uploads, imports, workbooks, ...) that the user owned, stay intact.

  • These artifacts are accessible to the 'ADMIN' role or any user with the role permission 'User can see every file and folder'.
  • Artifacts of deleted users can have ownership transferred to an active user and group(s) by selecting artifact and then selecting the permissions section in the information box.

To delete a Datameer X user:

  1. Click on the "Trash" icon in the user's line. The dialog 'Delete user' opens.
  2. Confirm the dialog with "Delete"Deleting the user is finished. 

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