System & Usage Report

System & Usage Report


The 'System & Usage Report' provides your general system information and logs for the Datameer X customer service department. You can use the report for monitoring how your users work with Datameer X as well. Therefore the plugin 'Support Engineering Report Plug-in' is installed within your plugins.



The log files can only be viewed and downloaded only by you, so you can provide the data in a support case.

The JSON data within the 'Report' area is only valid for the current report.

All passwords are encrypted.

Plugin as a Requirement

The plugin 'Support Engineering Report Plug-in' comes automatically with your Datameer X as of version 7.5. You can find it in the 'Plug-in' section within the 'Admin' tab.

Disabeling and Removing the Plug-In

To disable collecting the system and usage log files, select the 'Support Engineer Report Plug-in' and click on the "Disable Plugin" button in column 'Actions'. The plugin is disabled. The status in the column 'Status' changes to 'Plugin and all extensions are disabled'. Report data is not logged from now on.

To enable the plugin again, click on the "Enable Plugin" button. The plugin and all extensions are enabled. Report data is logged again from now on.

To remove the plugin, click on the "Uninstall Plugin" button. The plugin and all extensions will be deleted. No report data will be logged from now on.

Opening the 'System & Usage Report'

To open the system and usage report, open your 'Admin' tab and select the section "System & Usage Report". INFO: The section is removed from the 'Admin' tab, when the according plugin is disabled or removed.

The section contains:

  • a report 
  • choice of log files 
  • included files for the download of the log files

Viewing the Report


The response varies depending the respective secure mode.

The report panel provides an according JSON response and displays the data for:

  • allUsers: names of all Datameer X users
  • artifacts: count of each Datameer X artifact type   
  • authenticationConfiguration: authentication configuration, e.g. LDAP
  • configurationFiles: properties located in the Datameer X distribution's configuration files
  • distProperties: information about Datameer X version
  • executions: number of job executions 
  • hadoopConfiguration: Hadoop configuration properties
  • macAddress: Mac address
  • mergedProperties: merged Hadoop properties to execute a Datameer X job against the Hadoop cluster
  • nativeLibs: information of the native libraries of the Hadoop cluster
  • plugins: list of all available and registered Datameer X plugins
  • propertyTable: properties, which are located in the Datameer X MySQL database
  • systemProperties: information about Java version and class path
  • topExecutions: information about the most active Datameer X users, failed Datameer X jobs and most often triggered artifacts 

Downloading a Report


'Included files' contains all available log data of datatype '.log' of a log folder within a Datameer X distribution.

To download a report:

  1. Select the amount of days out of the drop-down. The relevant log files are listed in the table 'Included files'.INFO: You can select from 1 to 14 last days or for all days.
  2. Select the log files you want to download by activating the checkboxes. The button "Download Report" is active. 
  3. Click "Download Report" to run the download. The data is downloaded. INFO: The JSON file out of the 'Report' dialog is downloaded as well.

Downloading a Single Log File

To download a single log file, click the download icon in the column 'Operation'. The file is downloaded instantly.

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