Statistics Text

Statistics Text

The statistics text widget allows you to calculate mathematical functions for your data to add to your infographics instantly.

Configuring Statistics Text 

To add statistical text to your infographics, drag and drop the statistics text widget into your workspace. Click on the data tab in the right of the widget box. Drag and drop the data column you would like to calculate and choose between sum, count, mean, median, minimum, and maximum. General steps for configuring widgets are explained on the Visualizing Data (Deprecated) page.

Appearance-Specific Settings

The appearance of the statistical text can be adjusted through standard and specific settings.

Standard widget settings give you basic controls in order to customize a widget. Learn more about standard widget settings here.

Specific widget settings give you more controls over details pertaining to the statistics text widget. With these controls, you can adjust your widgets to create the perfect infographic to fit your needs.


Color settings let you adjust the color aspects of the text. Use the color wheel by clicking in a color box and selecting the color to add to these spaces.


Data statistic settings gives you the opportunity to group rows together with common aggregate functions including first, sum, average, maximum, minimum, and count.


The characters setting allows for the words inside the widget to be altered. You can set the tag cloud words to be in italics, bold, or underlined. Adjustments can be made to put spacing between the words as well as changing the size and font of the words. 


Choose to align the text inside the widget right, left, center or justified.


Formatting settings give you controls to added pre/suffix to labels, add in a thousands separator for data, and specify how many decimal places to use.

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