Infographic Tool Bar

At the top of the visualizations page under the menu bar is a tool bar for convenience while creating infographics. Check out the tool bar options below.

  • Eye. Sets view mode, which removes all setting and tool bars from the screen for a clear view of the infographic.
  • Left arrow. Undoes the last command.
  • Right arrow. Redoes the last command.
  • Bold front sheet (three). Brings the infographic to the front.
  • Bold back sheet (three). Sends the infographic to the back.

  • Bold front sheet (two). Sends the selected infographic forward.
  • Bold back sheet (two). Sends the selected infographic back.
  • Grouped square. Groups the selected infographics.
  • Ungrouped square. Ungroups the selected infographics.
  • Lock. Locks the infographics that aren't selected.

  • Two widgets. Unlocks all infographics.
  • Widget settings. Opens the infographic settings.
  • Palette. Allows you to select colors for the infographic.