Counts the distinct values of a group.
This is an aggregate function.
Given the following data:
Customer_ | Name | Item |
2535 | Jon | Zamioculcas |
2888 | Mike | Spider Lily |
2535 | Jon | Datura |
2535 | Jon | Dahlia |
5788 | Jon | Snapdragon |
2888 | Mike | Marguerite |
2535 | Jon | Windflower |
2888 | Mike | Elephant's Ear |
2535 | Jon | Chinese Evergreen |
5788 | Jon | Begonia |
5788 | Jon | Starfish Plant |
2535 | Jon | Hare's Foot Fern |
2535 | Jon | Venus Flytrap |
3545 | Monique | Red Flame Ivy |
First create a group using GROUPBY(#RawData!Name)
Name |
Jon |
Mike |
Monique |
Then use the GROUPCOUNTDISTINCT(#RawData!Customer_), and the results are a count of each time an individual value appears in that column in relation to the GROUPBY() column.
Name | Customer_COUNTDISTINCT |
Jon | 2 |
Mike | 1 |
Monique | 1 |
Known issue:
When working with the GROUPCOUNTDISTINCT function on a dataset with a very high number of records in a group, out of memory exceptions might occur.
In order to determine the true distinct value, GROUPCOUNTDISTINCT shifts all mapped information to disk on one reducer. This can cause disk space and performance/memory issues on large datasets. This is a known limitation that Datameer X is working to resolve.
In order to work around this issue, an intermediary sheet along with a combination of GROUPBY and GROUPCOUNT functions is suggested as described below.
Sheet 1: user_id, product
Sheet 2: GROUPBY(Sheet1.product), GROUPCOUNTDISTINCT(Sheet2.user_id)
Sheet 1: user_id, produt
Sheet 2: groupby(Sheet1.product), groupby(Sheet1.user_id)
Sheet 3: group by(Sheet2.product), groupcount
This work around gives the same desired output of the GROUPCOUNTDISTINCT function.