Completing Workbook Level Tasks

Completing Workbook Level Tasks

Completing Workbook Level Tasks

You can view or change workbook settings, link a workbook to multiple data sources, calculate a workbook, and more.

Creating multiple workbooks

You can create multiple workbooks that reference the same data set:

  1. From the File menu, select New. Save your changes if needed.
  2. In the new workbook, from the File menu, select Add Data.
  3. Navigate to the data source you want to use and select the data source.
  4. Click Add Data.

Calculating a workbook

From the workbook you can calculate the workbook using the entire data set. Depending on the volume of data involved, this process might take awhile.

  1. From the Workbook menu, select Calculate or click the Calculate Full Workbook button on the toolbar. While the data is being calculated, you can click Abort if you want to calculate at a later time.
  2. Once the calculation is complete, the Full  Data page opens.
  3. You can click Next button to view additional pages of data or click Go  To  Line and enter a line number to view a specific record.
  4. Click Edit to return to the workbook.

After making changes to an existing workbook, the next time the workbook is run, the changes are applied in the workbook calculation. Historical data before the change to the workbook isn't updated.

Viewing full results in a workbook

 To view full results:

  1. From the Workbook menu, select View Full Results, or click the View Full Results icon on the toolbar.
  2. Click Open to view the data set in the worksheet view or click Next at the bottom of the table to view more records.

Going to line in a workbook

To go to a specific record while in the workbook:

  1. From the Workbook menu, select Go to Line or click the Go to Line button on the toolbar.
  2. Enter a line number to view a specific record and click Go.

Viewing workbook details

You can view information about the workbooks that you have open.

Workbook information gives general information about the current workbook, including:

  • Name of the workbook
  • Number of sheets the workbook contain
  • The reprocessing schedule
  • The last time the workbook was processed
  • Notifications set for the workbook.

Sheet summary information gives advanced information on individual pages within the current workbook including the following:

Sheet typeSheet typeDescriptionJob pathConnectionLast executedKeptPartitionedFormulas usedFilter sourceFilter connectorFilter argumentsJoin typeJoin pairsSort sourceSort argumentsSources of union
Source sheetxxxxxx

Formula sheetx


Filtered sheetx


Joined sheetx



Sorted sheetx


Union sheetx



To view workbook details:

  1. From the Workbook menu, select Workbook Info or click the Workbook Info button on the toolbar.
  2. The workbook information displays in a new window.

Changing workbook settings

You can set up the schedule of when a job runs when you create a workbook or you can change the schedule settings later. See /wiki/spaces/DASSB70/pages/33036122715 to learn more about scheduling.

Integrating workbook results with other systems

If you use other systems or BI tools, you can connect and consume results generated by Datameer X workbooks so they can be leveraged for other processes or reporting mechanisms using the integration link.


The default limit for number of rows to download is 100,000, as this functionality is intended for small aggregated data sets. To adjust the record download limit, change the rest.download-data.records-max=100000 property in the <datameer_install>/conf/default.properties file. Setting the value to 0 unlocks the limit, but increasing the number could result in slower processing for the Datameer X conductor. Your local system might also have download restrictions. If you want to download more than 100,000 rows, we suggest adjusting the number based on environmental variables from Datameer X your infrastructure, and external consuming tools.

Here is an example how it can be used in Power BI:

  1. Click Copy Integration Link in the Download dialog for full results page of a workbook. If you are using a browser that doesn't support copying to the clipboard, copy the provided URL instead.
  2. Go to Power BI Desktop and in the Get Data workflow, find Other Web.
  3. Paste the URL in dialog and click OK.
  4. Select Basic authentication and enter your Datameer X username and password for the environment linked previously and click Connect.
  5. On the next screen review and confirm the data to be loaded.
  6. Data is loaded and you can take full advantage of Power BI capabilities. You can also publish your Powe rBI dashboards and reports to Power BI Cloud maintaining reference to this Datameer X connection.

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