Email Delivery Analysis

Email Delivery Analysis

The Email Delivery Analysis application helps you understand who is sending you email and where your emails are sent. Use this app to see who sends you the most email, what the ratio of exchange is, and maps your email usage over time. You can select a start and end date for which emails to search from your inbox and outbox.


The app downloads your email data from the selected account. The infographics with the app display the following statistics in the infographic charts:

  • Visual display of received and sent emails by the contacts over a period of time.
  • The exchange ratio of emails sent to received.
  • Breakdown of your most recent and frequent contacts in your account.
  • Daily percent of sent and received emails from your contacts. 
  • Distribution of the most frequent domains of users who sent you email.

Configuration Instructions

  1. Right-click the MailConnection connection and select Configure.
  2. On the Connection Details page, enter the correct login credentials for your email address.
  3. Under Mail server hostname, enter the Mail Server Address based on your email provider host servers. Use the one of the following options: 
  4. Save changes.
  5. Right-click the FromInbox connection and select Configure.
  6. From the Folder menu of the Data Details page, select Inbox.
  7. Save changes.
  8. Right-click the FromSentBox connection and select Configure.
  9. From the Folder menu of the Data Details page, select Sent .
  10. Save changes.
  11. Re-run the workbook. Results are ready in the Email Delivery Analysis infographic .

If you are trying to use this app with Gmail, you might need to create an application-specific password.

  1. Use Unlock Captcha (https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha ) to allow Datameer to access your Gmail account.
  2. If you are using 2-Step-Verification, set up an App password for Datameer.
  3. Enter your new App password in the Email Password field the Installing Email Delivery Analysis page.

Connection and Import

The app uses the FromInbox and FromSentBox imports and your email address to connect to an email server. 


The Email Delivery Analysis app uses the import jobs to create the Delivery Mail workbook. Within that workbook, sent and received emails are combined using a union in the Action sheet and in the Delivery sheet using a join. The sent and received emails graph is derived using the data in the Delivery sheet, while the graph showing your most frequent contacts is pulled from the Action sheet. The exchange ratio is calculated using the data in the Exchange Ratio sheet. The Weekly Stats sheet combines data about days of the week and senders to create the table showing which users sent you emails on each day of the week. Finally the breakdown showing the top sender domains comes from the S_Domain sheet, which counts the sender domains of received emails. 

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