Estimates standard deviation of its arguments. It assumes that the arguments are a sample of the population. If they represent the entire population, use GROUPSTDEVP instead.
This is an aggregate function.
Given the following data:
Groups | Participants |
group1 | 6 |
group1 | 12 |
group1 | 5 |
group1 | 5 |
group1 | 5 |
group1 | 7 |
group1 | 5 |
group1 | 9 |
group1 | 8 |
group2 | 24 |
group2 | 24 |
group2 | 24 |
group2 | 33 |
group2 | 33 |
group2 | 29 |
group2 | 30 |
group2 | 32 |
group2 | 35 |
First create a group using GROUPBY(#RawData!Groups)
Groups |
group1 |
group2 |
Then use the GROUPSTDEVS(#RawData!Participants). The result is a float that is the estimated standard deviation on an assumed sample population in relation to the GROUPBY() column.
Groups | Participants_STDEVS |
group1 | 2.4209731743889917 |
group2 | 4.358898943540674 |