7.4.x Release Notes
7.4.13 Release Notes
Bug Fixes
1 | Property API: Keyup event for property info input fields of the Property API is not working | DAP-39015 |
Keyup event now triggers the same actions as for example a change event. |
2 | Cannot export Runtime Analytics sheets to Hive | DAP-39472 |
Runtime Analytics sheets can be exported to Hive again. |
7.4.12 Release Notes
1 | Add Support for CDH 6.3.2 | DAP-39657 |
Datameer now supports Cloudera CDH 6.3.2. |
Bug Fixes
1 | REST API to download results doesn't return all records by setting 'rest.download-data.records-max=0' | DAP-39386 |
Datameer respects the setting 'rest.download-data.records-max=0' and provides all records for the download. |
2 | 'Workbook' tab doesn't close after 'Close & Save' | DAP-39417 |
After closing and saving a workbook, the 'Workbook' tab closes and the user is redirected to the 'File Browser' tab. |
3 | Hive string queryTemplate for SHOW PARTITIONS is incorrect | DAP-39438 |
The string for queryTemplate now shows the required syntax using back-ticks for every single part of the Hive query. |
4 | Workbook config: false errors on correct CRON pattern | DAP-39458 |
Datameer now recognizes a valid CRON pattern and does not throw an error on a valid pattern erroneously. |
5 | Scheduled jobs remain indefinitely in the processing queue if the Kerberos password is changed | DAP-39474 |
A scheduled job occurring between a Kerberos password change no longer blocks the processing queue. |
6 | Workbook: save dialog doesn't open when user selects 'Close & Save' | DAP-39509 |
Closing a new workbook from the file browser now redirects to the workbook save dialog. |
7.4.11 Release Notes
1 | Workbook validity report | DAP-39389 |
Datameer provides report that identifies workbooks missing data sources or other similar issues. |
2 | Add Support for CDH 6.2.1 | DAP-39461 |
Datameer now supports CDH 6.2.1. |
3 | Add Support for CDH 6.3.1 | DAP-39462 |
Datameer now supports CDH 6.3.1. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Backup/Restore does not completely store all artifacts | DAP-39297 | |
Even if there are broken artifacts, a backup continues and logs the broken files. |
2 | Hive-JDBC: Rescan Schema leads to SaslException on NMU environment | DAP-39308 | |
Rescan schema now works without generating an exception for Hive JDBC and Datameer running in NMU mode. |
3 | Customer Upgrade: ExportJob forcing append | DAP-39365 | |
Hive export jobs are no longer duplicated after upgrading from Datameer 7.1 to 7.5. In case of recreating or overwriting, old data from a Hive managed table is deleted. In case of recreating or overwriting from a Hive external table will not be deleted. |
4 | Customer Upgrade: Join Columns in Error after Datameer upgrade | DAP-39418 | |
Cascading errors in join sheets don't appear any more. After an upgrade to Datameer version 7.4, columns are migrated successfully. Circular dependencies are detected. Broken workbooks stay broken with the same error. |
5 | Artifact (IJ, Wbk, FU, DL, EJ) status not updated in dependency view | DAP-37822 | |
The entity status in the dependency view reflects the current status (success / error / canceled) of this entity. |
6 | Workbook: Inconsistent column names if a sheet has empty columns | DAP-39322 | |
Column naming for SQL sheets now follows the usual convention (A, C, C1, ...) |
7.4.10 Release Notes
1 | Join Operation Should Compute Inputs in Parallel instead of one at a time | DAP-39146 |
For improved performance, join of two data links now computes inputs in parallel to prevent the creation of too many DAG(s) on the cluster, and the Map-Side join picks the smallest of the two inputs to cache in memory. |
2 | Add Support for CDH 5.16.2 | DAP-39131 |
Datameer now supports CDH 5.16.2. |
3 | Add Support for CDH 6.3.0 | DAP-39169 |
Datameer now supports CDH 6.3.0. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Upgrade scripts are ignored when using Maria DB | DAP-39293 | |
For a fresh installation, the optional_upgrade table in Datameer's metadata database now gets filled, therefore all included optional upgrades for the current Datameer version are set as expected. |
2 | BigQuery import job Data Details wizard page UI reload doesn't adhere to selected table | DAP-39230 | |
When editing an existing BigQuery import, the selected table is the same as before the point of creation. |
3 | Google BigQuery import connector non-US region datasets failure | DAP-39217 | |
BigQuery connector works for datasets residing in regions other than USA. |
4 | After opening a workbook by path can't switch tabs back to that workbook | DAP-39197 | |
It is possible to switch tabs from file browser to the workbook when opening a workbook by path. |
5 | TDE/Hyper export with UNICODE symbols over U+D7FF fails job/crashes Datameer (in local ef) | DAP-39164 | |
Characters that caused a crash when exporting a sheet to Tableau are replaced with HTML entities. Such replacements are logged in the application log. |
6 | Datameer is missing the "X-XSS-Protection" HTTP response header | DAP-39048 | |
`X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block` is set in the header of every response coming from the Datameer backend. |
7 | Can't read DECIMAL from an Avro file | DAP-39006 | |
Datameer now imports Avro data with primitive type bytes logicaltype decimal as BIG_DECIMAL in Datameer. |
7.4.9 Release Notes
1 | Improve responsiveness of UI for customers with large number of job executions | DAP-39030 |
Querying very large tables for job executions could take seconds, rendering the file browser UI unusable. Datameer now has an index for the job_status column in the metadata database to speed information queuing and display. |
2 | Integrate Plug-in Code into Plug-in NMU to notify users by email when jobs fail due to missing/stale keytab | DAP-38761 |
Users get now notified by email when a Datameer job is failing because of a missing or stale keytab file. |
3 | No plugin with id '<plugin_name>' found for deserializing class '<plugin_internal_class>' | DAP-38023 |
Datameer now handles occurrences of YARN-359 or YARN-6641 gracefully so that errors indicating a specific plug-in isn't available can be mitigated. The workaround can be activated with the das.cluster.plugin.resources.fixer.enabled property. |
4 | Merge Google Big Query Connection and Import Plugin into Datameer 7.4 | DAP-39139 |
Datameer can now import data from Google BigQuery data sources. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Datameer can't recognise Int32 and Int64 Decimal values on a Parquet File Ingestion | DAP-39110 | |
Datameer now can handle Parquet files containing Binary, Fixed, INT32 and INT64, as well as DECIMAL column types |
2 | Hive Plug-in: data-driven Hive ExportJobs submitting with random impersonated user | DAP-39046 | |
Datameer now runs the Hive export job with correct user impersonation. |
3 | Hive Plug-in: Transport Mode HTTP with Table Filter set to "Table and View" leads to an error on Kerberos secured environments | DAP-38979 | |
This setup and configuration combination no longer generates an error. |
4 | Hive Plug-in: Hive Metastore - Create Delegation Token for Kerberos Secured Hive independent of configured Impersonation Mode | DAP-39034 | |
Datameer now creates the required delegation token for accessing a Kerberos Secured Hive. |
5 | NPE when configure plug-in where preferences extension are disabled | DAP-39091 | |
Datameer now correctly handles disabling an extension point of plug-in and does not produce a "NullPointerError". |
6 | Visual Exploration button and menu item isn't disabled if workbook has no permissions to edit | DAP-39047 | |
Visual exploration button and related menu entries are now disabled when a user does not have adequate permission to edit. |
7 | Upgrade: Many Workbooks failing after upgrading to 7.4.6 because of wrong auto-resource computation | DAP-39055 | |
Datameer auto-resource computation for required vCores no longer results in zero. |
8 | Workbook exchange data source should respect "kept" attribute of the datasource being replaced | DAP-39001 | |
When exchanging a datasource, the "kept" flag respects the original data sheet "kept" value. |
9 | Workbook: wrong syntax highlighting on formula sheets | DAP-39130 | |
Datameer now renders with the correct syntax highlighting in workbook formulas. |
10 | Hive Plug-in: enable column projections for inputformat Parquet | DAP-38959 | |
Datameer now supports column projection for input formats ORC and PARQUET to increase read performance. |
11 | Memory-Backed Map-Side Join will never be chosen when input is two Data Links | DAP-39095 | |
The chosen join algorithm will be MEMORY_BACK_MAP_SIDE when two data links are being joined and at least one of the sides is small. |
7.4.8 Release Notes
1 | Re-enable Save button on workbook toolbar | DAP-38960 |
Save button is available on the workbook toolbar, right next to Add Data icon |
Bug Fixes
1 | SAML: Upload Metadata File Button is inactive and metadata JSP missing | DAP-38975 | |
Uploading and downloading metadata information works as expected. |
2 | ExportJob fails with java.io.NotSerializableException: datameer.dap.sdk.entity.v2.workbook.operation.ImmutableOrderingColumn | DAP-38969 | |
Amend serialisation logic in order to avoid NotSerializableException. |
3 | FixedWidthImport: validate splitting logic should use column length instead of hard coded 1000 | DAP-38941 | |
FixedWidthImport supports variable and configurable import width. |
4 | Creating / Overwriting job configurations with REST v2 does not handle capability for 'Hadoop properties' | DAP-38342 | |
REST v2 API now respects the capability settings for 'Hadoop properties'. |
7.4.7 Release Notes
1 | Add Support for HDP 3.1.0* | DAP-38207 |
*Currently in preview mode. |
1 | Export to Tableau in HYPER format | DAP-35887 |
Datameer now supports data export in Tableau's Hyper format. |
2 | Native Multiuser: Introduce configurable properties to determine Kerberos salt from LDAP attribute and default realm | DAP-38755 |
Datameer now allows you to specify and configure the Kerberos salt authentication during job execution. Define salt settings on the LDAP Authenticator and Hadoop Settings configuration pages. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Fixed Width File Import: Can't ingest more than 1000 characters. | DAP-38316 | |
Datameer can now import a fixed width format file with more than 1000 characters. The maximum number of imported characters can be configured with an advanced option in the job-level property. |
2 | Unable to create S3 connection to an Internal Endpoint URL | DAP-38788 | |
Datameer now supports the definition of an 'Internal Endpoint URL' property in the connection wizard, allowing you to import from there. |
3 | Unable to search for files if owner consists of numeric characters | DAP-38801 | |
Users are now able to search for configurations where the owner name consists of numerical characters only. |
4 | HiveServer2 Plugin: Partitioned Export doesn't respect in Wizard changed column names | DAP-38815 | |
HiveServer2 export configurations allow for column names to be changed in the export job wizard. The changed names are now retained during job execution. |
5 | Workbook: Creating an Advanced Filter fails with 'absent value' | DAP-38842 | |
Datameer now provides a better error message when an invalid value is used to reference another sheet in the advanced filter expression. |
6 | Workbook Dependency Graph overlaps when window gets resized. | DAP-38871 | |
Dependency graph renders all nodes without overlap and horizontal scrolling opens if needed. |
7 | Zoomed chart overlay when opening a Filter dialog. | DAP-38921 | |
Zoomed chart popup automatically closes when a filter dialog is opened. |
7.4.6 Release Notes
1 | Add support for Azure Data Lake Store as Datameer private folder storage | DAP-24985 |
Datameer now supports the Azure Data Lake Store protocol for private folder cluster storage. |
2 | Introduce Job Timeout Parameter for Hadoop Jobs that do not Make Progress | DAP-24181 |
If Hadoop jobs have made no progress within the timeout period, the job will fail and alert automatically using the existing failed job alerts. |
3 | Make warning about Hive Metastore server deprecation configurable | DAP-38710 |
Allow the Hive Metastore deprecation warning to be disabled for job execution results. Jobs using a Hive Metastore will have a final Status of Completed rather than Completed with Warnings. |
4 | Hive plugin: Improve Help Texts and Error Messages for Partition Location Handling | DAP-38646 |
Help text and error messages for working with Hive partitions have been extended and improved. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Hiveserver 2 Plugin: "Create new if not exists" - Export Doesn't Fail as Expected if Schema of Existing Table Doesn't Fit | DAP-38738 | |
An export job now fails as expected if the schema for the target table (column number, column names) doesn't match the export job's schema. |
2 | External authentication: Active Directory / LDAP - can not add new User or Groups | DAP-38734 | |
It is possible to administrate user and group settings again. |
3 | Display meaningful Error Message for rename Column with more than 255 chars | DAP-38732 | |
The user will now receive a meaningful error message. |
4 | Log4j Parser Doesn't Read the Last Line of the File | DAP-38692 | |
An import from a Log4J file now includes the last line as well. |
5 | Not Possible to Delete an Upload Job if the Uploaded File has Spaces in the Name | DAP-38600 | |
Spaces in an upload job's file name will no longer prevent them from being deleted. |
6 | hadoop.usernameForSalt Property Cannot be Enabled | DAP-38598 | |
It is now possible to control the hadoop.usernameForSalt property. |
7 | Hive JDBC Plugin: List Tables on a 40k Tables Database Takes very long for Hive Versions less than | DAP-38527 | |
A configurable performance workaround for listing large numbers of Hive tables and views is now available. |
8 | Workbook: "Go to line" functionality won't jump to the desired line in the Workbook | DAP-38518 | |
"Go to line" jumps to the correct line in a workbook sheet. |
9 | Cannot upload an Avro file | DAP-38350 | |
It is now possible to import an Avro file respecting the current Hadoop configuration for split operations. |
7.4.5 Release Notes
1 | Workbook Security Updates | DAP-38178 |
Introduce a System Property to Configure the Source Permission Evaluation in Workbooks | DAP- 38188 | |
Introduce a Evaluation Unit That Checks Readability of Workbook Sources | DAP- 38189 | |
Use a Security Property Based Evaluation Within the Workbook Overwrite API | DAP- 38190 | |
Use a Security Property Based Evaluation Within General Workbook Responses | DAP- 38191 | |
Use a Security Property Based Evaluation Within Browser Listings of Workbooks | DAP- 38192 | |
Use a Security Property Based Evaluation Within the Add Data Dialog of Workbooks | DAP- 38193 |
1 | Show the Tooltip If a Column Name Is Longer than the Column Size | DAP-34634 |
During the mapping step of import and export jobs, the column widths can't be adjusted. Now, if you hover over a column name that is too long to fit, a tooltip message is displayed. |
2 | Hive Partition Location Mode | DAP-38462 |
A new Hive plug-in configuration setting has been added to improve performance when fetching the partition location. You can now select between fetching only the default partition or every partition within the Hive metastore. |
3 | Improve the Handling of Mismatches Between the Partitions' Metadata and Their Actual HDFS Location | DAP-38469 |
Users can now configure their Hive plug-in to:
4 | Add Support for Apache 2.7.7 | DAP-38590 |
Support added for Apache 2.7.7 |
5 | Add Support for CDH 6.1.1 | DAP-38675 |
Support added for CDH 6.1.1 |
6 | Add Support for CDH 6.2.0 | DAP-38674 |
Support added for CDH 6.2.0 |
Bug Fixes
1 | In Workbooks, the Recommendation Dialog for Column Validation Is Missing | DAP-38112 | |
It is no longer possible to submit changes if there are invalid columns in a workbook. |
2 | Export Job Failure Using sFTP Connection | DAP-38479 | |
Export jobs using the sFTP connection now work as expected. |
3 | Slow to generate a Large Table from a HiveServer2 Connection | DAP-38526 | |
When creating a data link to a table in a database with a high count of tables, the performance time to list the tables has been greatly improved. |
4 | Real Time Analytics on a 7.4.4 Build Using S3 Contains Errors (Invalid Version String) | DAP-38608 | |
The Real Time Analytics (RTA) plug-in has been updated to resolve the errors. |
5 | The Capabilities for an Analyst User to Access the Admin Area Aren't Handled Properly | DAP-38610 | |
6 | When Datameer Is Deployed on an EMR Cluster Which Uses S3 as Job Storage, It Isn't Possible to Use Visual Explorer | DAP-38621 | |
Visual Explorer is again available when Datameer is deployed on an EMR cluster using S3 as job storage. |
7 | Unable to Load UI Directories in the File Browser: 502 Proxy Error | DAP-38643 | |
The file browser UI now continues to be responsive even if the job configuration of a folder has thousands of data entries. |
7.4.4 Release Notes
1 | Workbook Security Updates | DAP-38178 |
Introduce a New System Property to Configure the Source Permission Evaluation in Workbooks | DAP- 38188 | |
Introduce an Evaluation Unit That Checks Readability of Workbook Sources | DAP- 38189 | |
Use a Security Property Based Evaluation Within the Workbook Overwrite API | DAP- 38190 | |
Use a Security Property Based Evaluation Within General Workbook Responses | DAP- 38191 |
1 | Set a Default "Error Handling Mode" / "How to Handle Invalid Data Strategy" Globally for All Executions | DAP-38145 |
2 | Add Support for CDH 6.1 | DAP-38147 |
Support added for CDH 6.1. |
3 | Auto-Sort Source Data While Exporting into a Partitioned Hive Table | DAP-38508 |
Data is now automatically sorted via partitioned columns before an export job. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Duplicating a Sheet Doesn't Copy the Sheet Description | DAP-38020 | |
When a workbook sheet is duplicated, the description is now copied. |
2 | Concurrent Edit Warning Is Shown When Deleting a Column from a Referenced Worksheet | DAP-38360 | |
A concurrent edit warning no longer displays when deleting a column from a worksheet which is linked in another workbook. |
3 | A Null Pointer Exception Occurs When Trying to Configure a Secured MapR Cluster | DAP-38423 | |
Configuring a secured MapR cluster is again possible. |
4 | Configuring the Auto-Reduce Parallelism for the Tez Execution Engine Doesn't Take the Configured Job Queue into Account for the Max Number of Reduce Tasks | DAP-38473 | |
5 | Using Reserved Words in a Hive Partitioned Column Fails | DAP-38502 | |
It is now possible to use Reserved Keywords for Hive partitioned columns. |
6 | A Duplicated Sheet Is No Longer Kept per Default | DAP-38531 | |
Duplicated worksheets are now kept per default when a workbook is saved. |
7 | The DESCRIBE EXTENDED Call to Hive Is Not Being Impersonated | DAP-38564 | |
The correct delegation token is now being returned and DESCRIBE EXTENDED is correctly being impersonated. |
7.4.3 Release Notes
1 | Change EMR Cluster Settings | DAP-38357 |
Users can now choose between EMR Cluster ID, EMR Cluster Name, or YARN Resource Manager to decide which is the host cluster. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Workbooks Failing with Unkept SQL Sheets | DAP-38431 | |
Workbooks now no longer fail even if running when some sheets in the workbook aren't marked as kept. |
2 | Infographic Legend Vulnerabilities | DAP-38427 | |
Scripts are no longer runnable if crafted in the prefix/suffix for an infographic widget. |
3 | Users Can't Properly List Tables via a Hiveserver2 Connection | DAP-38416 | |
An updated Hive plug-in has resolved this issue. |
4 | Adding a Spark Execution to the Job Graph Causes an Error | DAP-38409 | |
Spark jobs now run successfully when added to the Job Graph. |
5 | HdfsPermissionSynchronizer Doesn't Respect auth_to_local Rules | DAP-38399 | |
secure_hdfs_tool.sh now translates usernames so that the Datameer conductor reads them correctly. It now sets permissions according to hadoop.security.auth_to_local rules introduced on the Datameer Admin tab. |
6 | Problem Using the RTA Plug-in 5.1 from 7.5.0 Utilizing the Yarn Backend | DAP-38380 | |
Users can now utilize visual exploration when using Yarn as a backend for the RTA plug-in. |
7 | The Direct Task Executor Doesn't Close the Entity Manager in an Error Case | DAP-38373 | |
The direct task executor now closes the entity manager in case of an error during task executions. |
8 | Housekeeping Tries to Purge Export Job Data Files from HDFS Which Don't Exist | DAP-38324 | |
This was an issue due to status logging in Housekeeping. Upon starting Datameer, the non-existent jobs that were set to be deleted are reset. |
9 | The Browse All Data Page Doesn't Show Data Sometimes | DAP-38314 | |
If you Browse All Data and no sheets are kept in the workbook an error message is now displayed explaining the issue. |
10 | In the Remote File Browser, the Path to File Is Invalid When Selected Through the Datameer Browser with a Space in the Name | DAP-38303 | |
The paths generated by the Remote File Browser are now valid. |
11 | Workbooks are Failing with an Error - Parquet Is Not a Parquet File (Too Small) | DAP-38224 | |
The DatameerFileWriter opening an output file for write in a task now fails that task immediately to prevent creating a corrupted file.
12 | The PushDown Filter to Partition Fails after Changing the Data Type When Creating a Data Link | DAP-38082 | |
It is again possible to change data types during the Define Fields section of creating or editing a data link. |
13 | The CAST Function is Returning Errors | DAP-38081 | |
The SQL worksheet function CAST has now been documented so users can understand what to expect. |
14 | Problems Exporting to Partitioned Hive Tables in Parquet Format | DAP-37015 | |
All partitions are now readable after an export to Hive has completed successfully. |
15 | The Preview Record View Changes While Moving a Column | DAP-33298 | |
The preview record view is now kept and doesn't change while moving a column. |
7.4.2 Release Notes
1 | Hive Performance Improvements | DAP-30302 |
Hive Data Link Wizard Time Reduction | DAP-30226 | |
Don't Cache All Partitions If Filtered Partitions Are Selected | DAP-30017 | |
Improve Logging of Hive Cache for Data Links | DAP-30010 | |
Improve Wizard Step Performance | DAP-29162 | |
Disable the Logging to Improve Performance for the Hive Cache | DAP-30317 | |
Reduce Partition Parsing for Local Hive Partitions | DAP-28760 | |
Fetching Partitions Processed with Orc Table Have Very Poor Performance Due to Fetching All the Partitions Even When Filtered | DAP-29902 | |
Removed HiveImportJobModel.fileMatcher(Matcher) | DAP-30397 | |
Partitions from a Hive Partitioned Table Are Being Read over and Over | DAP-28971 | |
Data Link on Partitioned Hive Performance Tweaking | DAP-29977 | |
Remove Info Logging on Caching from Hive Data Links | DAP-30834 |
2 | Adding Data to Workbooks | DAP-37598 |
Created a New Data Warehouse From Top Level "+" Plus Menu | DAP-38022 | |
Duplicate / Copy-paste / Backup-restore Wasn't Working for Data Warehouse Connections | DAP-38200 | |
JDBC Passwords No Longer Saved in Clear Text in the Meta Database | DAP-38153 | |
On Logout, the Push Down Filter Usage is Recorded in the Job.log | DAP-38074 | |
Created Workbook from DWH File Browser Context Menu | DAP-37599 | |
Now Possible to Create a Workbook from the Data Warehouse in the File Browser | DAP-38149 | |
Complete Coverage of Filter Push Down | DAP-38000 | |
Deleted Data Warehouse JDBC Dialects That Don't Have Official Support | DAP-38146 | |
Use the Data Warehouse Driver on Open Connections | DAP-38003 | |
Verified Consistency Between the Driver in DataWarehouseEntity and DbDriverImpl | DAP-38001 | |
Now Possible to Configure a Data Warehouse Connection in File Browser Inspector. | DAP-37447 | |
Data Warehouse FileBrowser Integration | DAP-37461 | |
Corrected the "Driver Not Found Issues" When Providing the Driver via the Ui | DAP-37976 | |
The Data Warehouse Sheet Doesn't Handle Unused Columns | DAP-38123 | |
Fixed "Operation Not Allowed after Resultset Closed" Error in the Workbook | DAP-38072 | |
Null Pointer Exception When Duplicate a Data Warehouse Sheet | DAP-38154 | |
Redshift/MySQL - Reserved Word as Column Name Leads to an Error | DAP-38121 | |
Workbook UNDO Now Working Correctly With a Data Warehouse Sheet | DAP-38180 | |
Insert Data Warehouse Sheet after Creating a Data Warehouse sheet from the Top Level "+" Plus Menu | DAP-38259 | |
Dialogs Now Open Correctly in the Workbook for IE and Edge Browsers | DAP-37598 | |
A "Select Table" Dialog Has Been Added to the Workbook When Adding Data From a Database | DAP-37462 | |
Created a New Data Warehouse Option from the Top Level "+" Plus Menu | DAP-38022 |
1 | Add Support for MapR 6.1 (Along with MEP 6.0) | DAP-38148 |
Support added for MapR 6.1 and MEP 6.0. |
2 | Restrict Variables to Specific Roles / Groups | DAP-38219 |
It is now possible to limit which users are able to use / edit / delete variables within Datameer. |
3 | Simple Theta-joins Are Now Supported Where Equi-joins and Filters Are Possible on SQL Sheets | DAP-37703 |
4 | Support OpenJDK 8 | DAP-38162 |
OpenJDK is now supported. |
5 | Rollbacks are Allowed Within a Couple of Days of Upgrading Without Risking Data Loss | DAP-38184 |
To allow safe rollbacks for a longer time, Datameer no longer deletes data from HDFS for the first 2 days after an upgrade. After this Datameer switches back to the configurable time of 30 minutes. |
6 | Add Support for CDH 5.15.2 | DAP-38270 |
Support added for CDH 5.15.2 |
Bug Fixes
1 | Hive Data Link Wizard Time Reduction | DAP-30226 | |
The wizard for data link creation run a long time when the cache is created. This process was optimized to take less time. |
2 | Command conductor.sh start|stop|check Was Reporting False Results | DAP-32789 | |
Incorrect reports have been eliminated. |
3 | Max Log Errors Aren't Mandatory but Expected as Such in Immutable Generation | DAP-34795 | |
"Max number of errors" field can no longer be left blank. |
4 | After Changing the Owner in NMU Mode, the Old Job Folder Isn't Being Deleted | DAP-35088 | |
Housekeeping now deletes orphaned job folders. |
5 | The Smart Execution Link Leads to a Page Could Not Be Found Error in Import Job Run Details | DAP-37606 | |
The Smart Execution link has been updated. |
6 | Can't Change Workbook-Undo Settings on /Dev Page | DAP-37612 | |
Undo setting on the /Dev page works correctly after updating CSRF token for POST actions. |
7 | In Visual Explorer, It Isn't Possible to Drill into a Value That Includes "*" Character | DAP-37696 | |
It is now possible to drill into a value with length > 16 that contains "*" and other characters. |
8 | Custom Properties Missing from job-definition.Json If User Is Restricted from Settings | DAP-37697 | |
The |
9 | Stabilize Date-Time Functions for SQL Worksheets | DAP-37854 | |
The following functions have been updated:
10 | Single Group Sharing for Secure Impersonation Isn't Being Handled Properly in the Ui | DAP-37904 | |
11 | Fuzzy Simple Select Elements in IE11 | DAP-37936 | |
The Text now looks sharper. |
12 | Publicly Shared Infographic Doesn't Show Data | DAP-37945 | |
Publicly shared infographics now show data. |
13 | A Workbook Was Stuck Processing an SQL Sheet | DAP-38015 | |
Long processing time due to cross-products when the join attribute differs between worksheets.
The job logs now show when joins will be a cross-product so services can quickly diagnose the problem for users. |
14 | The Cell Context Menu in Workbooks Should Only Include Input and Nothing Else | DAP-38033 | |
A cell's context menu now only displays the current cell input. |
15 | Inconsistent Behavior of Nested Lists in Workbooks | DAP-38085 | |
List with different nesting levels aren't be valid and displays an error for the user. |
16 | Can't Delete an SQL Sheet When Having a Circular Reference to Itself | DAP-38113 | |
It is now possible to delete a sheet which is referenced by itself. |
17 | Error Accessing File with "." Prefix | DAP-38116 | |
18 | Worksheet Error after Applying SQL Query with "Sub" | DAP-38131 | |
The query option now works without error. |
19 | It Isn't Possible to Resize the Multiline Editor after Zoom In/Out | DAP-38172 | |
It is now possible to resize the multiline editor. |
20 | Attempting to Set tez.task.launch.cmd-opts to Prevent the Container Running Beyond Memory Limits Always Fails | DAP-38225 | |
Setting the tez.task.launch.cmd-opts property correctly now prevents the possibility of a container running beyond its limits. |
21 | Workbooks Using a Hive Data Link with the Small Job Framework Isn't Working in a Kerberos Secured Environment | DAP-38226 | |
Now when using a Kerberos secured cluster, a workbook using a Hive data link in Small Job works correctly. |
22 | Data Links Against Partitioned Tables Fail on Secured Environments Without Impersonation | DAP-38257 | |
Data links against partitioned Hive tables now run successfully on a Kerberos secured environment without Impersonation. |
23 | Can't Rename SQL Sheet When Using FLOOR with Dateunit Statement | DAP-38263 | |
It is now possible to rename SQL worksheets. |
24 | Inconsistent Implementation of HTTP Methods for Creating and Updating Variables | DAP-38265 | |
Updates to the REST API:
25 | It Isn't Possible to Export to Hive a Sheet from a Workbook Using a Transformed Sheet | DAP-38266 | |
An export job that exports its data to Hive can now be run successfully. |
26 | Sunburst Dialog Is Incorrect When Adding More than One Partitioned Source | DAP-38269 | |
The sunburst dialog is now shown for all added data sources. |
27 | Users Are Unknown to the User Authentication Service after Upgrading Datameer | DAP-38275 | |
Users from authentication services are now recognized correctly after upgrading. |
28 | The Support Engineer Report Won't Deploy | DAP-38276 | |
The SER (Support Engineer Report) package now works as expected. |
29 | TIMESTAMPDIFF Function Returns Negative Value for Milliseconds Interval | DAP-38283 | |
TIMESTAMPDIFF now returns the properly signed value for "MILLISECOND" intervals. |
30 | Backing Up of Only Specific Files Includes Unwanted Folder Definitions | DAP-38296 | |
Only the specified files are now included in the zip w hen backing up specific files from a folder. |
31 | It Isn't Possible to Nest the GROUP_MOVING_AVERAGE Function | DAP-38298 | |
It is now possible to nest data using the GROUP_MOVING_AVERAGE function. |
32 | An Implicit Join on Certain Data Types Result in a Cross Join | DAP-38310 | |
Implicit joins with a "=" join condition on string keys no longer result in a cross product being calculated. |
33 | The Workbook Shortcut cmd+c Doesn't Work in the Formula Editor When Using the Firefox Browser | DAP-38320 | |
This shotcut (cmd+c) for copying data now works in the formula editor when using Firefox. |