




Removes trailing whitespaces or other characters from text. The function is case sensitive. 


In this example, RTRIM has removed the trailing white spaces from the specified column. 

Column1RTRIM(#Column1) returns
"Datameer is wonderful      ""Datameer is wonderful"

In this example, RTRIM has additional added character values to remove from the trailing string. RTRIM searches for both the values "wonderful" and the blank space value " ".

Column1RTRIM(#Column1;"wonderful " ) returns
"Datameer is wonderful      ""Datameer is"

In this example, RTRIM has additional added character values to remove from the trailing string. RTRIM searches only for the values "wonderful". As the blank spaces are not specified and the values "wonderful" are not trailing from the string, no characters are removed.

Column1RTRIM(#Column1;"wonderful" ) returns
"Datameer is wonderful      ""Datameer is wonderful      "

In this example, RTRIM has additional added character values to remove from the trailing string. RTRIM searches for the values "swoinrdelfu" and the blank space value " ". The blank spaces as well as the trailing values are identified and removed. The order of the values added in the formula is not taken into account.


RTRIM(#Column1;" swoinrdelfu" ) returns

"Datameer is wonderful      "" Datam"

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