Anti Money Laundering

Anti Money Laundering

This app shows you trends and red flags in money transactions using mock, anonymized data. Understanding these graphs can help you detect money laundering.


The infographic in this application shows various charts and graphs using mock data to help you better understand how to detect money laundering:

  • The Money Laundering Watch List is based on foreign corrupt practice act and charts transactions from accounts that are marked as potentially participating in money laundering.
  • The Smurfing by Transaction Date and Amount graph shows the transaction frequency and amounts of different accounts on different days for accounts involved in smurfing.
  • The Money Laundering by Transaction Date and Amount graph spotlights two accounts that have been identified both in the watch list and smurfing for potentially being involved in money laundering, and it shows the date and amount of their transactions.
  • The Transactions Statistics sankey shows relationships between time of day, types of transactions, and days of the week to show trends for large transactions. Hovering over a specific line in the graph shows that transaction in detail. 

File Uploads

This app uses mock, anonymized data uploaded in two file uploads. The Specially_Designed_Nationals_Data upload provides specifically designed nationals data, and the Transaction Data upload supplies data about the various transactions and the individual accounts. These two data sets have been anonymized using the HashName to protect privacy.   


The Anti_Money_Laundering workbook contains all of the mock data to create the infographic. The FCPA_Watch sheet joins data from the SDN_Data and Transaction sheets to provide data for the Money Laundering FCPA_Watch List and then performs an additional join for those accounts that transact with a large amount 2 times or more to detect smurfing. The resulting Smurfing_Details joined sheet feed data into Smurfing by Transaction Date and Amount graphs. The FinalTarget sheet provides data for the Money Laundering by Transaction Date and Amount. Finally, the Stat worksheet provides data for the Transactions Statistics chart by grouping the transactions and counting them. 

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