Google Zeitgeist

Google Zeitgeist


This app analyzes the Google Zeitgeist data. The dataset is based on data obtained when Google scanned the contents of library books as part of the Google Books search engine. It contains the number of occurrence per word and year. The app analyzes this data and performs the following operations:

  • Plots the number of occurrences of the words "war" and "peace" over the years.
  • Plots the number of occurrences of the words "data" and "insight".

The Google Zeitgeist infographic displays the information computed by the workbook.

Connection and Import

The Google Books Words import job uses the http protocol to download the google books dataset from the web. It is configured to download a CSV file containing absolute and relative number of occurrences per word and year. 


The Google Zeitgeist workbook provides the data for the two charts in the infographic. For the War vs Peace chart, the number of shapes are computed by filtering rows containing "war" or "peace" (sheet War_Peace), grouping by year (WarPeaceCnt) and then sorting the results (WarPeaceCnt_Chrono). The same procedure is used for the data vs Insight chart in the sheets Data_Insight, dataInsightCnt, and DataInsight_Chrono).

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