Amazon EC2 and Datameer

Amazon EC2 and Datameer

To evaluate Datameer in the cloud, we have provided a pre-configured Datameer environment contained in an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). During your evaluation, you can use this AMI as a turnkey test environment by providing your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account number to your sales team and launching an EC2 instance under your AWS account. This machine can be used in a standalone mode or connected to a cluster of machines using Amazon Elastic MapReduce. Depending on your requirements, this environment may also be suitable for production. To sign up for AWS, Visit Amazon's web site for more information, or Contact us to start an evaluation today.

Locating Your AWS Account Number

Your AWS account number can be located from the AWS console, under Account and Personal Information.

Locating the Datameer AMI

Once you've been authorized by Datameer, you see the Datameer AMI in the AWS console under the EC2 tab. Click AMIs and search for the AMI ID (given to you by Datameer) in the search box.


Launching the Instance

1. Right-click the AMI and click Launch Instance. Proceed through the wizard, choosing the type of instance, naming your instance, and creating a keypair. A large instance works best for Datameer. See pricing information if you have questions about the cost. By default, the evaluation operates on a single EC2 machine.

2. Configure the security group to accept connections on port 8080 as shown below. (When the instance starts, Datameer runs on port 8080 by default.)

Accessing Datameer:


To begin using Datameer, you need to install a license key. Refer to Obtaining a Trial License to find out more.

1. After a few minutes, a green light indicates your EC2 instance is running.
2. Point your browser to the host indicated in the Public DNS field of the instance details, as shown below.
3. The full URL is: http://<Public DNS>:8080
4. Follow the instructions on screen to activate the product. See Obtaining a Trial License for more information.
5. If you have any issues, don't hesitate to contact us.

Enjoy your evaluation!

Feel free to contact us with questions: info@datameer.com.

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