Using DatameerService.exe to Start Datameer as a Service in Windows

Using DatameerService.exe to Start Datameer as a Service in Windows

Installing the Service

  1. Download Datameer-<Fill In Version>-service.exe from my.datameer.com and run the installer.
  2. Open the DatameerService.vmoptions under the Datameer root directory. (<User>/<Datameer Version>/Datameer.vmoptions)
    1. Enable production mode by switching -Ddeploy.mode= from trial to live.
    2. Configure the port you want Datameer to use: e.g. -Ddatameer.launcher.http-port=8080
  3. Open a command prompt.
    1. Open with: Run as Administrator if you are not logged in as an administrator.
  4. Go to Datameer's root directory. 
  5. Call DatameerService.exe /install.

Configuring the Service

The service uses a virtual user called "SYSTEM" per default that leads to errors while running workbooks in embedded Hadoop mode. 

The user must be changed in order to fix the errors. 

  1. Open the service panel (e.g. WIN7:Computer/Manage/Services and Applications/Services)
  2. Change the DatameerService properties:
    1. Change the user settings.
      Note: The Administrator is an example, you have to choose an user available on your machine

Controlling the Service Life Cycle

  1. Start the service by calling DatameerService.exe/start
  2. Stop the service by calling DatameerService.exe/stop
  3. Get the status of the service by calling DatameerService.exe/status
  4. Uninstall the service by calling DatameerService.exe/uninstall

Accessing Datameer Log Files

View Datameer log files in conductor.log

Path: <User>/AppData/Local/Datameer/<version>/logs/conductor.log

View logs for upgrades procedures and errors in upgrade.log

Path: <User>/upgrade.log

Accessing Datameer Data Files

You can view the following Datameer data files:

  • Artifacts
  • Database
  • File uploads
  • Import jobs
  • Job logs
  • Temp
  • Workbooks

Path: <User>/<Version>/data/<data files>

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