Reverting Actions

Reverting Actions

Revert Actions

If you would like to revert an action that you performed in a workbook, you can  use the Undo and Redo buttons available in the toolbar. By default, you can undo or redo the last two actions performed on a workbook that modify the workbook state in the database. These actions don't include changes such as font style or column size, as the workbook's state remains the same. You can also access these options through the Edit menu or using keyboard shortcuts (Cmd+Shift+Z for undo, Cmd+Shift+Z for redo). If the cursor is in a text field, using the keyboard shortcut reverts only the most recent changes in the text field, not the whole workbook.

Administrators can adjust the settings for these buttons in default.properties and system.properties. There, admins can edit the amount of time the history of a workbook is kept, the maximum number of actions a a user can revert, and how many workbooks can retain a history at the same time.

To make sure this functionality isn't causing performance issues, you can check various statistics about the memory usage and workbook states in <Datameer>/logs/workbook_undo.log. The log is set to record the following values separated by comma:


All undo related actions are collected, but for memory performance, the system prints the values to the log once per minute. 

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