Importing and Accessing Data

Importing and Accessing Data


Before you can get started analyzing data, you need to configure a connection to access the data and set up an import job to import that data into Datameer X.

See Configuring a Connection to learn how to set up connections. Or, ask your system administrator where the connection you should use is located. The connection contains the data you use and acts a bridge between your data and Datameer X.

See Importing Data to set up an import job, or ask your system administrator which import job you should use. The import job imports data from that connection into Datameer X so you can use it and create workbooks that are associated with it.

You can upload files such as CSV files, Apache Log files, or many other supported file types. See Uploading Files to learn more.

You can also link to data that is already imported. Think of a link as an alias to a connection. See Linking to Data to learn more.

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