Monitoring Hadoop and Datameer using Nagios

Monitoring Hadoop and Datameer using Nagios

These instructions are based on using the Debian distribution; some of the information might be different for another distribution.


Nagios is a popular open source computer system and network monitoring software application. It watches hosts and services, alerting users when things go wrong and again when they get better. Nagios allows you to monitor anything. All hosts and services are monitored through plug-ins which are simple shell-scripts and programs. plug-ins can written in any language. The language you choose needs the ability to print using stdout and return exit codes.

Learn more about Nagios by referring the other links at the bottom of this page.


  • Linux (or UNIX variant)
  • Configured network (Most of the monitoring plug-ins works over the network)
  • When using CGIs you also need: 
    • A webserver (e.g. Apache HTTPD)
    • gd library for "statusmap" and "trends" CGIs


There are many ways to install Nagios including using a package-manager or building from source. Datameer X recommends building from source, because it's easier to understand how Nagios works and where the different files are stored.

If you don't want to build from source, read the next sub-section(s).

Install Nagios on Debian5 with apt

Words such as <address> or <port> are placeholders and needs to be replaced with your settings.

  1. Install packages using the following command: 

    # aptitude install nagios3 nagios-plug-ins
  2. Configure Apache to allow access to the Nagios web interface:

    # htpasswd -c /etc/nagios3/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
  3. Edit /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg and set check_external_commands to 1.
  4. Update permissions for Nagios and Apache:

    # /etc/init.d/nagios3 stop
    # dpkg-statoverride --update --add nagios www-data 2710 /var/lib/nagios3/rw
    # dpkg-statoverride --update --add nagios nagios 751 /var/lib/nagios3
    # /etc/init.d/nagios3 start
  5. Look at the Nagios UI:


Install Datameer X Job Status plug-in

  1. Install PHP:

    # aptitude install php5-cli
  2. Create /etc/nagios3/conf.d/das_host.cfg

    define host{
    	use generic-host ; Inherit default values from a template
    	host_name das_server
    	;Insert your environment
    	address <address>
  3. Create file /etc/nagios3/conf.d/das_service.cfg

    define service{
    	use generic-service ; Name of service template to use
    	host_name das_server ; The hosts where this service is available
    	service_description DAS_JobStatus ; How should Webinterface display this service as name
    	;Insert your environment
    	check_command check_das!<user>:<password>@<address>!<port>!<jobConfigurationId> ; The command with parameters to get the job status via rest api
    	max_check_attempts 1 ; How many retries if state isn't OK
    	check_interval 1 ; How long it takes for a one check-interval (minutes)
    	retry_interval 1 ; How long it takes for a one recheck-interval (minutes)
    	notification_interval 0 ; How long it takes for a one resend-notification interval (minutes) 0 means no resend
    	first_notification_delay 0 ; How long to wait before sending a first notification (minutes) 0 means immediately
    	notifications_enabled 1 ; Enable/Disable Notification

    If you need to change your configurations frequently, then refer to http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nagios-configuration-tools-web-frontends-or-gui.html.

  4. Create /usr/lib/nagios/plug-ins/check_das file and paste the check_das code from Job Status plug-in section of this page.
  5. Set execute permissions

    # chmod +x /usr/lib/nagios/plug-ins/check_das
  6. Create /etc/nagios-plug-ins/config/check_das.cfg:

    define command{
        command_name check_das
        command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plug-ins/check_das -m $ARG1$ -s $ARG2$ -d $ARG3$

    This is the most useful command for nagios; job-history is more interesting for munin or nagiosgrapher, and job-details just returns the job-configuration details.

  • Restart Nagios:

    /etc/init.d/nagios3 restart


Refer to Nagios Configuration.

Adding a command

A command is a predefined configuration for a shell script which acts as a Nagios plug-in. It defines the name for that command and the parameters used. The values for the command parameters are placeholders, which are replaced later with the correct values. By default, you can find the Command-Configuration-File in <nagios-root>/etc/objects/commands.cfg.


define command{
        command_name    my_command
        command_line    $USER1$/myprogram -a $ARG1$ -b $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$

In this example, we define a command_name called my_command. The name is used later to describe which command we want to use for monitoring a service. The command_name doesn't need to be the same as the name of the program (it is only usee for identifying the command). Next, define the command_line. This parameter tells Nagios how the program is used. Nagios supports macros which allows you to avoid editing the command every time you want to use an another parameter for that command. Macros are similar to variables which are replaced later with the correct values. In this example, $USER1$ contains the path to the Nagios plug-ins. Then, define the file name of the program and the parameters for that program. Replace the parameter values through macros called $ARGn$ (where n = order number). These argument-macros are replaced later (inside the service-definition) with correct values in the same order described in the command.

Further information about configuration.

Adding a service

A service definition is used to identify a service. The term "service" is used very loosely. It can mean an actual service that runs on the host (POP, SMTP, HTTP, etc.) or some other type of metric associated with the host (such as the response to a ping, number of logged in users, amount of free disk space, etc.). By default, you can find the Service-Configuration-File for the local machine in <nagios-root>/etc/objects/localhost.cfg.


define service{
        use                       local-service
        host_name                 localhost
        service_description       My Own Service
        check_command             my_command!value_a!value_b!value_c

In this example, use specifies to use the Service-Template local-service. It's a template containing settings used for all local services. Define host_name to be the names of machines which runs or are associated with that service. The service_description is a description displayed inside Nagios. The check_command option runs the command my_command with some parameters. Those parameters are separated with a "!" (exclamation mark). The service shown in this example uses three parameters (the three we defined in the command definition) for that command. In this case, my_command!value_a!value_b!value_c executes (internally) <path-to-plug-ins>/myprogram -a value_a -b value_b -c value_c

Learn more.


Job status

This plug-in monitors the status of a job from Datameer X and requires php5-cli installed. It's getting the JSON value from REST-API through accessing


It writes a string to stdout which can be parsed by Nagios and returns an exit code which is used as the current status of the service you are monitoring.

  • Syntax:

    # /usr/lib/nagios/plug-ins/check_das -m <address> -s <port> -d <jobConfigurationId>
  • Command line parameters:


    Default value




    Read buffer length for the JSON-Output, which contains the JobStatus information.



    The job ConfigurationID from the job you want to monitor


    Shows the Help for this script


    The machine where the Datameer X application has been installed



    The port which Datameer X uses


    Shows the version of this script

  • Execution examples:

    You can execute each Nagios plug-in manually, they all return a standardized line, which might be useful for testing.




    Monitor Job-ConfigurationID "0" from ""

    /usr/lib/nagios/plug-ins/check_das -d 42

    Monitor JobConfigurationID "42" from ""

    /usr/lib/nagios/plug-ins/check_das -m mydomain.com -s 8043 -d 61

    Monitor JobConfigurationID "61" from "mydomain.com:8043"

    /usr/lib/nagios/plug-ins/check_das -m myusername:mypwd@mydomain.com -s 443 -d 89

    Monitor JobConfigurationID "89" from "mydomain.com:443" with User "myusername" and Password "mypwd"

  • Nagios command:

    define command{
            command_name    check_das #The Name of the Command
            command_line    $USER1$/check_das -m $ARG1$ -s $ARG2$ -d $ARG3$ #The Command with Parameters
  • Nagios service:

    define service{
            use                             local-service         ; Name of service template to use
            host_name                       localhost             ; The hosts where this service is available
            service_description             DAS_JobStatus         ; How should Webinterface display this service as name
            check_command                   check_das!!8080!1 ; The command with parameters
            max_check_attempts              1                     ; How many retries if state isn't OK
            check_interval                  1                     ; How long it takes for a one check-interval (minutes)
            retry_interval                  1                     ; How long it takes for a one recheck-interval (minutes)
            notification_interval           0                     ; How long it takes for a one resend-notification interval (minutes) 0 means no resend
            first_notification_delay        0                     ; How long to wait before sending a first notification (minutes) 0 means immediately
            notifications_enabled           1                     ; Enable/Disable Notification

The parameters below check_command are used to send the failure notification only one time.

  • Script code:

    // Debug?
    // Name of that Service
    // Define Returncodes
    // Function: Convert RC to Name
    function rc2name($rc) {
    	switch ($rc) {
    		case 0: return "OK"; break;
    		case 1: return "WARNING"; break;
    		case 2: return "CRITICAL"; break;
    		case 3: default: return "UNKNOWN"; break;
    // Function: Return Nagios-plug-in-Service-Output
    function npso($rc,$msg) {
    	print SERVICE." ".rc2name($rc)." - ".$msg."\n";
    // Avoid Access from another SAPI than CLI
    if (PHP_SAPI !== "cli") {
    	npso(RC_UNKNOWN,"Invalid Access from '".PHP_SAPI."'");
    // Set Environment depending on Debugging-Mode
    if (DEBUG) {
    else {
    // Allow external File-Access
    // Disallow external Include
    // Define Getopt
    $opt_short = "";
    $opt_short .= "h"; // Show Help
    $opt_short .= "v"; // Show Version
    $opt_short .= "b:"; // Readbuffer
    $opt_short .= "d:"; // ConfigurationID
    $opt_short .= "m:"; // Host
    $opt_short .= "s:"; // Port
    // Get Options
    $options = getopt($opt_short);
    // Print Help
    if (empty($options) OR isset($options["h"])) {
    	 print <<<ENDHLP
    Usage: check_das [-h] [-v] [-d <jobConfigurationId>] [-b <length>] [-m <host>] [-s <port>]
    -h = Show this Help
    -v = Show Version
    -d = ConfigurationID (Default = 0)
    -b = Readbuffer-Length for getting JSON in bytes (Default = 2048)
    -m = The Machine where Datameer X installed (Default =
    -s = The Port wich Datameer X uses (Default = 8080)
    Note: Parameter 'm' allows URI-Specification (Context: between http:// and :<port>)
    // Print Version
    if (isset($options["v"])) {
    	 print <<<ENDHLP
    Version 1.1 (PHP5-CLI)
    Edit from 2010-07-19 to 2011-02-15 by T. Schumacher
    (C) 2010-2011 Datameer X  Inc. All rights reserved.
    // Get Readbuffer
    if (isset($options["b"])) $buffer = (integer)$options["b"];
    else $buffer = 2048;
    // Get Configuration-ID
    if (isset($options["d"])) $cid = (integer)$options["d"];
    else $cid = 0;
    // Get Host
    if (isset($options["m"])) $host = (string)$options["m"];
    else $host = "";
    // Get Port
    if (isset($options["s"])) $port = (integer)$options["s"];
    else $port = 8080;
    // Declare Path
    $path = "http://".$host.":".$port."/rest/job-configuration/job-status/".$cid;
    // Open external File
    if (!($handler = fopen($path,"r"))) {
    	 npso(RC_UNKNOWN,"Could not open target");
    // Read external File
    if (!($raw = fread($handler,$buffer))) {
    	npso(RC_UNKNOWN,"Could not read target");
    // Close external File
    // Get Data
    $data = json_decode(trim($raw));
    // ConfigurationID found
    if (isset($data->id) AND isset($data->jobStatus)) {
    	// Process JobStatus
    	switch ($data->jobStatus) {
    		// Job canceled
    		case "CANCELED":
    			npso(RC_WARNING,"Job #".$data->id." canceled");
    		// Job completed
    		case "COMPLETED":
    			npso(RC_OK,"Job #".$data->id." completed");
    		// Job completed with warnings
    			npso(RC_WARNING,"Job #".$data->id." completed with warnings");
    		// Job failed
    		case "ERROR":
    			npso(RC_CRITICAL,"Job #".$data->id." failed");
    		// Job queued
    		case "QUEUED":
    			npso(RC_OK,"Job #".$data->id." queued");
    		// Job running
    		case "RUNNING":
    			npso(RC_OK,"Job #".$data->id." running");
    		// Waiting for another Job
    			npso(RC_OK,"Job #".$data->id." completed");
    		// Unknown Status
    			npso(RC_CRITICAL,"Unknown Status '".$data->jobStatus."'");
    // ConfigurationID unknown
    else {
    	npso(RC_CRITICAL,"Unknown ID '".$cid."'");
    // End
    print "\n";

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