

Roles in Datameer X are assigned to users to specify which permissions the user/group is allowed. Every user in Datameer X must have a role.

Datameer X allows administrators to add custom roles to give specific permissions to users and groups.

The set up and configuration of user roles can be found under the Admin tab and then selecting Roles.

Creating and Editing Roles

  1. To make a new role, click New Role.
    To edit a current role, highlight the role to edit.

  2. Type in a name for the role.

  3.  Select the permissions for the role. New roles must have at least one permission selected. Clicking the parent box adds or removes all sub-permissions for that parent. For a full table of available permissions, see Permissions and Default Settings.

  4. Click Save to confirm the new role or changes

A user who has the user management permission to edit Roles can edit his own role as well. Datameer X recommends this capability only be given to that of the generic default role, ADMIN.

Deleting a Role

To delete a role:

  1. Click the Admin tab.
  2. Click Roles on the left side of the administration dashboard.
  3. Click the garbage can for group to be deleted.
  4. Click Delete to confirm the deletion of a role.  

Roles can't be deleted while an active user is assigned that role. The user currently assigned to the role trying to be deleted must be disabled or have their role changed.

Permissions and Default Settings 

The following table lists all available permissions and which ones are default for the ADMIN or ANALYST roles. Permissions in bold are parent permissions; selecting the parent automatically selects all of the sub-permissions. 

The default ADMIN role has all permissions and may not be edited or deleted. Be cautious when assigning this role to users/groups.

PermissionDescriptionADMIN per DefaultANALYST per Default
File BrowserAllows access to the file browser(tick)(tick)
ConnectionsAllows to read connections(tick)(tick)
create, write, deleteAllows to create and write connections(tick)


Import jobsAllows to read import jobs(tick)(tick)
downloadAllow to download import job result data(tick)(tick)
create, write, deleteAllows to create, write and delete import jobs(tick)(tick)
executeAllows to run import jobs(tick)(tick)
Data linksAllows to read data links(tick)(tick)
create, write, delete, executeAllows to create, write, delete and execute data links(tick)(tick)
File uploadsAllows to read file uploads(tick)(tick)
create, write, delete, executeAllows to create, write and delete file uploads(tick)(tick)
WorkbooksAllows to read workbooks(tick)(tick)
downloadAllow to download workbook result data(tick)(tick)
create, write, deleteAllows to create, write and delete workbooks(tick)(tick)
executeAllows to run workbooks(tick)(tick)
InfographicsAllows to read infographics(tick)(tick)
create, write, deleteAllows to create, write and delete infographics(tick)(tick)
make public

Allows to publish infographics (read access to everyone)

Export jobsAllows to read export jobs(tick)(tick)
create, write, deleteAllows to create, write and delete export jobs(tick)(tick)
executeAllows to run export jobs(tick)(tick)
Create or move folders in home folderAllows to create folders in the own home folder or move existing folders into other.(tick)(tick)
Create or move foldersAllows to create folders or move existing folders into other(tick)(tick)
Share with othersAllows to share with Others(tick)(tick)
Share with foreign groupsAllows to share with groups the user does not belong to(tick)(tick)
User can see every file and folderAllows to see every file or folder in file system(tick)(error)
User can modify every file and folderAllows to edit everything in file system, including permissions, group sharing options and ownership(tick)(error)
Application marketAllows access to the analytics application market(tick)(error)
Archive project

Allows members of this role to create backups and restore entire projects.

Folder Backup

Allows members of this role to create a backup of a folder and download as a zip file.

Folder Restore

Allows members of this role to restore a folder from a zip file.

Application Market

Allows access to the analytics application market

AdministrationAllows access to the administration pages(tick)(error)
System DashboardAllows access to the system dashboard page(tick)(error)
Job HistoryAllows access to the job history page(tick)(error)
User ManagementBundles all user-related capabilities(tick)(error)
External systems create, update, deleteAllows to create, update and delete external systems(tick)(error)
GroupsAllows access and modify groups(tick)(error)
RolesAllows access and modify roles(tick)(error)
UsersAllows access and modify users(tick)(error)
Mail ServerAllows to administrate the mail server(tick)(error)
Hadoop ClusterAllows to administrate the hadoop cluster(tick)(error)
Cluster HealthAllows access to cluster health page(tick)(error)
Database driversAllows to administrate database drivers(tick)(error)
Plug-insAllows to view plug-ins(tick)(error)
Edit Plug-insAllows to administrate plug-ins(tick)(error)
LicenseAllows access to the license page(tick)(error)
License statisticsAllows access to the license statistics(tick)(error)
License uploadAllows to install a license(tick)(error)
License activateAllows to activate a license(tick)(error)
Access tokensAllows to create access tokens for every user via REST(tick)(error)
Common job details

Allows the user to access the common job details page

Hadoop properties

Allows to configure hadoop properties of job executions

Email notificationsAllows to setup email notifications for job configurations(tick)(tick)

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