Twitter Trending Topics
Twitter Trending Topics
Twitter keyword search allows you to query any word and analyze with Datameer's powerful solution. Here you conduct a simple word prevalence, top hash tags, and top handles related to the word.
This infographic shows:
- A word cloud of most popular word from all tweets.
- A chart with most frequent hashtags.
- A chart with most frequent handles.
- A chart with most frequent languages used in the tweets.
Import and Connection
There are two static data sources prepared on a Amazon S3 instance:
- LanguageCodes maps ISO 639-2 language codes to the actual language names
- Stopwords is a list of common English words that don't contribute a lot of meaning, e.g. words such as "a", "as", "and"
The most important import job is the actual Twitter search query KeywordSearch. It is configured as
but a number options are possible. You can include (or exclude) more search terms, set a date range or restrict to certain languages for example. See https://dev.twitter.com/docs/using-search for more information.
The basic steps in the TrendingTopics workbook are:
- Tokenize the tweets to get one row per word in the tweet.
- Filter out hashtags and handles to break down the analysis for these particular items.
- Join the data with the language code to be able to draw the actual language names on the widget (not just the codes).
- Join the data with the stopwords to be able to remove the stopwords to compute the word cloud.