Exporting to Amazon S3 Native

Exporting to Amazon S3 Native

S3 Native has multipart technology that use temporary files to improve performance.

Learn more about Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) and its data consistency model.

Configuring Amazon S3 Native as a Connection

An Amazon S3 connection with Datameer X must be created before exporting data.

Learn about setting up a connection between Datameer X and Amazon S3 Native.

Exporting a Worksheet to S3

To export a worksheet through the S3 Native connector:

  1. From the file browser, click the + (Plus) button and choose Export job, right-click on a folder, select Create New then choose Export Job, or right-click on the workbook to export from and select New export job.
  2. Select the workbook to export from in the browser.
  3. Select the worksheet to export from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the S3 Native connector.
  5. Under the S3 Options, check the bucket name and output filename.
    Check the Uploading parameters. Learn more about the Multipart Upload API and Permissions on AWS documentation

    Use the Export formatter to match your export to your S3 settings. 
  6. Look over the preview and select how to handle invalid data.
  7.  Select the schedule method for when the export job runs. 
    Under advanced, add any custom Hadoop properties for the export job and define any logging customizations. 
  8. Add a description if needed.
    Mark the Export now box to begin the export job directly after saving.
  9. Name and save the export job.

Interrupted Export Job

If an export job is interrupted, run the export job again. AWS automatically reuses all parts exported before from the temporary files. These temporary files use S3 disk space. AWS recommends setting up a policy to empty files periodically to save costs.

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