Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Workbook Shortcuts



Calculate full workbook

Alt + C

Close workbook

Alt + Q

Create filter sheet

Alt + F

Create join sheet

Alt + J

Create sort sheet

Alt + R

Create union sheet

Alt + K

Duplicate sheet

Alt + P

Exchange data source

Alt + X

Flip SideShift + Alt + F

Go to line

Alt + E

Hide/Show columnALT + H
Jump to column or sheetAlt + M

Link datasource

Alt + D

Move sheet (up, down, left, right)

↑, ↓, ←, →

New workbook

Alt + N

Open workbook

Alt +O

Save As

Alt + T

Save workbook

Alt + S

Sheet dependency graphAlt + G
Submit a formula⌘-Enter (mac) and Ctrl-Enter (win)

Switch among column headers*


Switch among columns**

← and →

View full results

Alt + A

Workbook info

Alt + I

Show partition sunburstAlt + B

* For this shortcut to work, you must be in the column header. Example - renaming the column.
** For this to work, you must first click on a column. Then you can switch among the columns in the workbook.

Smart Analytic Keyboard Shortcuts

ClusteringShift + Alt + K
Decision TreeShift + Alt + D
RecommendationsShift + Alt + R
Column DependenciesShift + Alt + C

Infographic Keyboard Shortcuts

Keystroke shortcuts only work in the infographic's Edit mode.

Undo⌘-Z (mac) and Ctrl-Z (win)
Redo⌘-Shift-Z (mac) and Ctrl-Y (win)
Copy⌘-C (mac) and Ctrl-C (win)
Paste⌘-V (mac) and Ctrl-V (win)
Save⌘-S (mac) and Ctrl-S (win)
Save As⌘-Shift-S (mac) and Ctrl-Shift-S (win)
DeleteDelete key or Backspace key with widget(s) selected

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