Behavior Change


Find behavior changes sorted by version here.

Release 11.0

Upgrading Datameer X

SubjectNew Upgrade Tool Changes Upgrade Process
Behavior Change
  • a new standalone tool performs all the upgrade tasks before the first conductor launch
  • the version check and strict execution order help to minimize upgrade related errors
  • a table in the database 'upgrade_history' contains all update information
  • hSQL upgrades are not supported anymore
Versions Affected 11.0


SubjectDisabled Folder in the UI
Behavior Change
  • the folder 'Infographics' is not displayed in the UI any more since the infographics functionality is disabled by default
Versions Affected


SubjectDisabled Ability to Edit Infographics
Behavior Change
  • infographics can not be edited any more when the feature flag is enabled
  • feature flag is enabled by default since the infographics functionality will be removed
Versions Affected


App Market

SubjectDisabled Ability to Configure the Capability 'App Market Access'
Behavior Change
  • the capability 'App Market Access' is not available and therefore not configurable any more in the 'Admin' tab
Versions Affected
