Video Widget

Video Widget

Add video to an infographic.

Configuring the Video

The video widget can be configured with videos from YouTube.com. General steps for configuring widgets are explained on the Visualizing Data page.

There is a known issue with Firefox 18 and 19 that causes videos that have been rotated to be incorrectly displayed. Non-rotated videos in Firefox 18/19 play correctly.

Data Requirements

The data required to add content to the video widget is a URL from YouTube or Vimeo.

Appearance-Specific Settings

The appearance of a video can be adjusted through standard and specific settings.

Standard widget settings give you basic controls in order to customize a widget. Learn more aboutĀ standard widget settings here.

Specific widget settings give you more controls over details pertaining to the video widget. With these controls, you can adjust your widgets to create the perfect infographic to fit your needs.

Video URL

Place the video URL in the space provided to add a video file to an infographic.

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