The image widget allows you to add images to your infographics for a more dynamic presentation.
Configuring the Image
To add images to your infographics, select Images under the Other menu of the Widgets menu in your infographic browser box. Choose your image to upload and click Open. The new uploaded images are stored, by default, in the Images folder on the Datameer X browser. Drag and drop the image widget into your workspace. Drag and drop the image you want to use from the browser box into the specific settings for the image widget. General steps for configuring widgets are explained on the Visualizing Data page.
Appearance-Specific Settings
The appearance of an image can be adjusted through standard and specific settings.
Standard widget settings give you basic controls in order to customize a widget. Learn more about standard widget settings here.
Drag and drop an image from the infographic browser box to the image box in the specific settings.