As of Datameer X version 6.0, only versions 5.5 and above are supported for MySQL.
Optimizing the Datameer X Process
You can add more memory to the JVM Process, by changing the default allocation of 1G, in <DAS>/bin/
export JAVA_OPTIONS=" -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -Xms256m -XX:MaxNewSize=448m -XX:SurvivorRatio=6 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80 -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError "
Optimizing MySQL
You can optimize MySQL by enabling the query cache.
To enable the query cache:
Edit the MySQL configuration file my.cnf and append the following options to it:
query_cache_size = 50000000 query_cache_type=1 query_cache_limit=1048576
These options enable a 50MB query cache that caches all queries except the queries that indicate they shouldn't be cached. The last option sets a query result limit to 1MB. Setting these values in the my.cnf file makes these setting permanent after a restart.
It is also possible to change these while the database is running.
Connect to your MySQL database with the following command:
mysql -u root -p
- Set the settings:
set global query_cache_size=50000000; set global query_cache_type=1 set global query_cache_limit=1048576
To check whether the query cache is enabled, run the following command after connecting to your MySQL database:
show variables like 'query%'
This command should return the a list of query settings. Check for the settings listed above to confirm that these values have taken effect.
Another optimization on mySQL:
Enter the following command on the server where the mysql is installed.
mysqlanalyze -A -uroot -p mysqloptimize -A -uroot -p optimize table data_source_data;