REST API Export Job
Add the following command after the username and password to receive more meaningful HTTP errors:
This command can be added to each call.
Create an Export Job
Request Method | POST |
Description | Adds an export job in Datameer. |
URI Syntax | curl -u '<username>:<password>' -X POST -d @<job-payload>.json 'http://<Datameer-serverIP>:<port-number>/rest/export-job' |
Example Response | { "configuration-id": 480, "status": "success" } |
Additional Notes |
Update an Export Job
Request Method | PUT |
Description | Edits an existing export job in Datameer. |
URI Syntax | curl -u '<username>:<password>' -X PUT -d @<job-payload>.json 'http://<Datameer-serverIP>:<port-number>/rest/export-job/<export-job-configuration-id>' |
Example Response | {"status": "success"} |
Additional Notes |
Read an Export Job
Request Method | GET |
Description | Returns information on a specified export job within Datameer X including version number, class name, file information (uuid, path, description, name), run schedule, iterations set to keep, properties information, custom properties, sheet data, and export configuration data. |
URI Syntax | curl -u '<username>:<password>' -X GET 'http://<Datameer-serverIP>:<port-number>/rest/export-job/<export-job-configuration-id>' |
Example Response | { "version": "", "className":"datameer.dap.common.entity.FileDataSinkImpl", "file": { "path": "/Admin/REST_API_TestExportJob.exp", "description": "Test Export Job" }, "pullType": "MANUALLY", "minKeepCount": 1, "properties": {}, "hadoopProperties": "", "connection": "/Admin/DFS_DataStore", "sheet": { "name": "Sheet1", "workbook": "/Admin/ExplodeRange.wbk" }, "mappings": [ { "name": "A", "srcColumnIndex": 0, "nullable": true } ], "errorHandlingMode": "DROP_RECORD", "fullDataPermission": 63, "notificationAddresses": "", "notificationSuccessAddresses": "", "fileName": "/TestExport", "confirmOverwrite": false, "clearTargetDirectory": false, "includeHeader": true, "delimiterString": ",", "quoteString": "\"", "escapeString": "\\", "characterEncoding": "ISO-8859-1" } |
List All Export Jobs
Request Method | GET |
Description | Returns a list of all the export jobs in Datameer. This list displays the description, ID, name, and the path of the file. |
URI Syntax | curl -u '<username>:<password>' -X GET 'http://<Datameer-serverIP>:<port-number>/rest/export-job' |
Example Response | [ { "description": "", "id": 272, "name": "exp_kp0705_oracle", "path": "/ExportJobs/exp_kp0705_oracle.exp" }, { "description": "", "id": 427, "name": "exp hdfs", "path": "/ExportJobs/tester/exp hdfs.exp" }, { "description": "", "id": 428, "name": "exp hdfs 2", "path": "/ExportJobs/tester/exp hdfs 2.exp" }, { "description": "", "id": 429, "name": "exp mysql", "path": "/ExportJobs/exp mysql.exp" } ] |
Start an Export Job
Request Method | POST |
Description | Runs an export job. |
URI Syntax | curl -u '<username>:<password>' -X POST 'http://<Datameer-serverIP>:<port-number>/rest/job-execution?configuration=<export-job-configuration-id>' |
Example Response | { "job-execution-id": 1, "job-execution-trigger": "RESTAPI", "job-execution-user": "admin", "status": "success" } |
Cancel an Export Job
Request Method | POST |
Description | Cancels the run order of an export job. |
URI Syntax | If your file name includes curl -u '<username>:<password>' -X POST 'http://<Datameer-serverIP>:<port-number>/rest/job-execution/job-kill/<export-job-execution-id>' |
Example Response | This command doesn't return a response. |
Delete an Export Job
Request Method | DELETE |
Description | Removes an export job from Datameer. |
URI Syntax | curl -u '<username>:<password>' -X DELETE 'http://<Datameer-serverIP>:<port-number>/rest/export-job/<export-job-configuration-id>' |
Example Response | {"status": "success"} |
Export Job Dependencies
Request Method | GET |
Description | Returns the hierarchy of up- and downstream dependencies for a given export job. |
Prerequisites | INFO This API requires enabling Datameer's Advanced Governance plug-in. |
URI Syntax | curl -u '<username>:<password>' -X GET 'http://<server>:<port>/api/export-job/[configurationID]/dependencies[?direction=<upstream | downstream>][&level=<number>]' |
Example Response | { "dependencies": [ { "id": 23, "file": { "path": "/Users/admin/Workbook", "name": "Workbook", "type": "wbk", "description": "", "uuid": "db942d97-4785-436d-938b-45053e12bb75" } }, { "id": 22, "file": { "path": "/Users/admin/ImportJob", "name": "ImportJob", "type": "imp", "description": "", "uuid": "b8f258f5-90c9-451d-9058-9d3a8c9b2c5d" } }, { "id": 2, "file": { "path": "/Data/Connections/Datameer X server filesystem", "name": "Datameer X server filesystem", "type": "dst", "description": "A data store for the local filesystem where Datameer X is running. Note, this works ONLY for Datameer X Personal, Workgroup, and Trial editions.\n", "uuid": "78a2fb59-375e-4eae-b338-956ef806f7b1" } } ], "fileCountWithNoReadPermission": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "http://localhost:8088/api/export-job/24/dependencies" } } |
Additional Notes | Path parameters:
Query parameters: |