Within these release notes Datameer X provides information and resolutions on improvements, bug fixes, and visual changes for 11.1.x maintenance release versions.
Visit Datameer's Help Center for additional information or contact your customer service representative.
Datameer X 11.2.5
1 | Security: Upgrade Jetty to version 9.4.50 | DAP-42458 |
Datameer is moved to the Jetty version 9.4.50 in order to ensure the services are not vulnerable to any known vulnerabilities. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Security: Penetration tests - GetFiles metadata, get the folder content via the folder ID | DAP-42468 |
A user is not allowed to view any metadata for a directory without proper access (sees no folder path or file ID). | Bug fixed. |
2 | Security: Penetration tests - Any user may not see others schema log | DAP-42469 |
A user is not allowed to see the parsing records from the artifacts created by other users. | Bug fixed. |
3 | Security: Penetration tests - The '/browser/list-file' endpoint returns metadata for any file in the system | DAP-42470 |
A user is not allowed to view artifacts metadata without having at least a 'View' permission for these items. | Bug fixed. |
4 | Security: Penetration tests - Dependency graph information doesn't check the permission authorization | DAP-42471 |
A user is not allowed to load an artifact’s dependency graph without having at least a 'View' permission for this item. | Bug fixed. |
5 | Security: Penetration tests - detailed error messages displayed | DAP-42472 |
Only generic error messages without error details are now returned to Datameer users. Stack traces are logged server-side and only accessible by developers or administrators. The associated property handles the error messages. | Bug fixed. |
6 | Security: Penetration tests - "/rest/user-management/authenticable-users" should return list of usernames belonging to the same role only with CHANGE_FOLDER_OWNER capability | DAP-42473 |
Bug fixed. |
Datameer X 11.2.4
1 | Drivers: Update Redshift Native JDBC driver to use Amazon's JDBC42 driver | DAP-42443 |
Since the Amazon Redshift Native JDCB driver is deprecated. Therefore the the new drive should be updated to the Amazon Redshift JDBC42 driver. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Plugins: plugin-hbase+cdh- - Import fails | DAP-42440 |
Setting the property '' bypasses the service loader lookup code with providing authentication providers. | Bug fixed. |
Datameer X 11.2.3
1 | Importing Data: Add an option to configure the default value for "Records for Schema Detection" | DAP-42421 |
The new custom property 'das.conductor.default.record.sample.size' controls what 'Records for schema detection' value is set by default whenever a user creates a new Import Job, Data Link or File Upload. It should be adjusted, e.g. when working with large JSON objects (should be decreased to 250 - 500). Once updated, it affects only newly created Import Jobs, the 'Records for schema detection' value for existing artifacts remains intact. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Export: Snowflake - Exporting to a new table leads to duplicated columns error intermittently | DAP-42012 |
After fixing the plug-in, the export sheet can be executed without any errors again. | Bug fixed. |
2 | Export: Snowflake - Intermittent Export failure, insert value list does not match the column list | DAP-42442 |
After a plug-in fix, the columns list now matches the insert value list as expected again. | Bug fixed. |
Datameer X 11.2.2
1 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add support for Amazon EMR 6.8.0 | DAP-42400 |
Datameer X now supports Amazon EMR version 6.7.0. |
2 | Properties: Make HadoopUtil#HADOOP_ACCESS_TIMEOUT configurable | DAP-42404 |
The timeout in a S3A filesystem can be changed via the properties 'fs.s3a.connection.establish.timout' and 'fs.s3a.connection.timeout' now in order to prevent job timeouts. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Security: Spring framework CVE vulnerabilities | DAP-42402 |
The user has been backported to Spring framework 4.3. | Bug fixed. |
Datameer X 11.2.1
Bug Fixes
1 | Import/ Export: Hive (with ADLS backed external table) - Failure on import | DAP-42389 |
Hive import jobs now succeeds again when executed at the cluster after setting several properties and adapted Hadoop configuration. | Bug fixed. |
2 | Plug-ins: Plugin Parquet - Datameer encodes DATE values in base64 while exporting into a Parquet file | DAP-42382 |
After the 'plugin-parquet' was patched, the DATE fields are exported correctly. | Bug fixed. |
3 | Export: Tableau - Hyper jobs fail intermittently with "Hyper Server did not call back on the callback connection." | DAP-42380 |
Users are now able to export hyper formatted files to Tableau without any failures again after the associated plug-in has been updated. | Bug fixed. |
Datameer X 11.2.0
1 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add support for Amazon EMR 5.36.0 | DAP-42369 |
Datameer X now supports Amazon EMR version 5.36.0. |
2 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add support for Amazon EMR 6.7.0 | DAP-42375 |
Datameer X now supports Amazon EMR version 6.7.0. |
3 | Backup & Restore: Performance and lack of logging problem | DAP-42370 |
Performance issues during the backup and restore process are now executed at an expected speed for large number of artifacts. |
Bug Fixes
1 | Plug-ins: EMR - 'plugin-emr' High Availability discovery mode picks local running Yarn Ressource Manager at | DAP-42378 |
The EMR cluster can now be set up in High Availability mode. | Bug fixed. |
2 | Plug-ins: EMR - 'plugin-emr' "default=obtain from ec2 environment" region option cannot be saved | DAP-42372 |
When configuring the cluster mode in EMR, the default option for the region can now be saved. | Bug fixed. |
3 | Upgrade: Java upgrade 'Upgrade Filesystem Artifact To Delete' doesn't trigger the database upgrade | DAP-42 |
The Java upgrade script now updates the table 'Upgrade Filesystem Artifact To Delete' as expected or throws a clear error message. | Bug fixed. |