Triggers multiple Datameer jobs to run in a defined sequence. For this to happen, the workbooks within this dependency chain all have to be data-driven (which can be set in workbook configuration). The request triggers the provided artifacts, as well as all downstream dependencies. The new API version supports the setting of Workbook variables.
-u admin:admin
-d '{ variables : { "foo": "fooValue" }, "fileIds" : [4, ]}'
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Example response
Code Block |
{ "status": "success", "execution-plan": [ { "job-configuration-name": "apache_log", "job-configuration-id": 3, "trigger": true, "job-execution-id": 16 }, { "job-configuration-name": "categorization", "job-configuration-id": 4, "trigger": true, "job-execution-id": 17 } ] } |
Stop Job
Available as of Datameer 7.2.5
curl -u <username>:<password> -X POST 'http://<Datameer-serverIP>:<port-number>/api/job-execution/<file-id>|<uuid>|<path>/stop'
Example response
This command doesn't return a response.
curl -u <username>:<password> -X DELETE 'http://<Datameer-serverIP>:<port-number>/rest/data/<data-id>'
Example response
No job or data available: