Accessing Datameer Using the REST API

Accessing Datameer Using the REST API

The REST API allows you to configure, monitor, and operate Datameer without using the web console. Instead, you can use command line tools (e.g., cURL or Wget) using HTTP protocol. The API can be used by scripts or with a monitoring tool. Requests are made using a URL and a command, and responses are returned in JSON format.

Overview Table REST Commands

 All JSON files and their formats from pervious versions of Datameer are backwards compatible to work with newer versions of Datameer.


  • You can also start Datameer with the following parameters, causing the internal MBean server to start with Datameer.

    <Datameer Application Folder>/bin/conductor.sh start --jmx

  • Open the JConsole with the following command:

    # jconsole localhost:6789

  • You should see the Datameer RestController as an MBean. You can then access the following operations:

  • Status for these operations is returned as a JSON (either as a file or directly in the command line interface).


As of Datameer 7.1.6

For enhanced security performance, users are not able authenticate a REST API call using session cookies. Datameer recommends using basic authentication when using the REST API.


curl -u <username>:<password>

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