Within these release notes Datameer provides information and resolutions on improvements, bug fixes, and visual changes for 10.1.x maintenance release versions.
Visit Datameer's Help Center for additional information or contact your customer service representative.
Datameer 10.1.5
New Features
1 | Database Support: Create Azure Cosmos database dialect | DAP-40590 |
You can now connect Datameer against Azure Cosmos. Therefore you need to configure Azure Cosmos DB as a connector and install the corresponding JDBC driver. |
2 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add support for MapR Extension Package 6.3 with MapR 6.1 | DAP-40652 |
Datameer now supports MapR Extension Package 6.3 with MapR 6.1. |
1 | Documentation: Help links shouldn't be shown in the UI when the property pointing to the documentation is invalid or empty | DAP-40386 |
No links that are pointing to the Datameer documentation are shown in the UI when the 'doc.url' property is not set. The 'Help' link in the context menu does not appear anymore. |
2 | Workbook: Add indicator in workbook configuration and workbook details page if a sheet is used as dependency | DAP-40444 |
There are new indicators for sheets within a workbook whose sheets are either a source data or for an export. The indicator appears on both the workbook configuration page next to each sheet, as well as in the workbook's detail page. |
3 | Admin: Workbook Health Check improvements | DAP-40479 |
You can now zoom in and out within the health check graph and navigate back to the original size. Furthermore you can view all broken workbooks in a expandable list within the workbook health report. The workbook IDs are clickable and point to the workbook node in the health graph. If a node is then selected it can be opened in the info panel. |
4 | Datameer White Labeling: White labeling Datameer for OEM | DAP-40550 |
Several default properties were created to change the Datameer UI and URL to have the Datameer application white labeled. Furthermore the Datameer distribution allows to change the small and big logo as well as favicons. |
5 | Performance: Optimize Browser Service WB#isSync calls for better performance | DAP-40565 |
The workbook sync call is optimized to show the last sync and current sync status in the File Browser. |
6 | Workbook: Implement a workbook dependency cycle detector | DAP-40706 |
A new workbook dependency cycle detector to identify workbook dependency cycles is implemented on the '/dev' page. After all workbooks are checked, a HTML report is accessible. A workbook is checked for being part of a workbook cycle. |
7 | Performance: Change task order in Housekeeping Service | DAP-40711 |
A new default property '' is set to a value of '50' per default to decrease the performance of the Housekeeping Service significantly when it is to low. |
Bug fixes
1 | FileBrowser: Could not delete a file upload after saving a copy | DAP-39776 |
Deleting a file upload after saving a copy now works again. | Bug fixed. |
2 | Workbook: If a user has both "view" and "edit" permissions they should be able to rename a folder | DAP-40544 |
A user which has the new capability "Rename Folder" and edit permissions to the parent folder, he can rename a child folder within a parent's folder. Having only the "Rename Folder" permissions but not the permissions to edit the parent folder, the user can rename the folders that are located in the parent's folder. A user of a folder can always rename the folder's default settings. | Bug fixed. |
3 | ImportJob: Change links in 'Import Job Details' view to actual buttons | DAP-40382 |
The button 'Browse Data' works as expected again. | Bug fixed. |
4 | Import/ Export: Can't connect to the SFTP server hidden behind a proxy | DAP-40401 |
Datameer is now able to connect to a SFTP server that is hidden behind a proxy with the following properties: #proxy settings to connect a SFTP server hidden by the proxy[HTTP]<host ip><port><username><password> | Bug fixed. |
5 | Workbook: Double-click to submit in credentials dialog can lead to an error | DAP-40487 |
Adding a datasource to a session-based import job doesn't lead to an error any more. | Bug fixed. |
6 | Admin: Health Check report sometimes does not update correctly | DAP-40509 |
When clicking the "Start" button from the Workbook Health Check the indicator now shows the correct status of the Workbook Health Check. | Bug fixed. |
7 | Datameer Upgrade: When upgrading from Datameer 6.4.13 to 7.5.10 several workbooks stuck at 'Registering operations for sheet' phase | DAP-40534 |
When upgrading the workbooks don't stuck anymore because of patches in *.jar libraries, e.g. big workbooks with sophisticated logic. | Bug fixed. |
8 | Import Job: The partition dialog in 'Browse all Data' does not close when clicking "Select" | DAP-40536 |
The dialog now closes again when clicking "Select". | Bug fixed. |
9 | FileBrowser: Browser list-files slow performance when a folder contains workbooks with data-driven scheduling | DAP-40544 |
The backend query was optimized to minimize to response time of folders within the FileBrowser that contain artifacts with a long chain of upstream dependencies, e.g. workbooks that have 10 to 15 layers of parent artifacts. | Bug fixed. |
10 | Import Job: Fix intermittent failing test for email format validation | DAP-40551 |
The test for the email validation now works as expected and detects not accepted email addresses, e.g. within an import job configuration. | Bug fixed. |
11 | Import: Azure Databricks import fails | DAP-40604 |
An Azure Databricks import now works as expected. | Bug fixed. |
12 | Admin: Workbook Health Check is broken | DAP-40606 |
The Workbook Health Check from the Admin tab now works properly again. | Bug fixed. |
13 | Export/ Hive: Data is being written as 'TEXT' format when duplicating an export job and setting a new table and data type | DAP-40655 |
When duplicating a Hive export job and changing its settings, the changes are respected without any changes of data type, output format etc. in the new Hive table | Bug fixed. |
14 | Setup: Users without submitted license agreement can not operate Datameer | DAP-40681 |
The license agreement flag 'force.license-agreement' is set to 'TRUE' and the internal user management is configured to allow newly created users to login and accept the terms of licence to operate Datameer. | Bug fixed. |
15 | Setup: C3p0 connection pool exhaustion | DAP-40687 |
After disabling the statement caching no c3p0 warnings about pool problems appear anymore. | Bug fixed. |
16 | Performance: Housekeeping Service MySQL CPU drain | DAP-40604 |
A new default property '' is set to a value of '50' per default to decrease the performance of the Housekeeping Service significantly when it is to low. | Bug fixed. |
17 | Workbook: Prevent Out of Memory errors when handling workbook circular dependencies | DAP-40694 |
Out of Memory errors are now prevented by changing buggy code. | Bug fixed. |
18 | Workbook: Prevent Stack Overflow errors when handling workbook circular dependencies | DAP-40696 |
Stack Overflow errors are now prevented by changing buggy code. | Bug fixed. |
19 | Performance: Dependencies graph performance is low | DAP-40727 |
The performance for using the 'All Dependencies' and 'Depends On' function in the File Browser is now improved. | Bug fixed. |
1 | Datameer White Labeling: White labeling Datameer for OEM | DAP-40550 |
Several default properties were created to change the Datameer UI and URL to have the Datameer application white labeled. Furthermore the Datameer distribution allows to change the small and big logo as well as favicons. |
2 | Datameer White Labeling: Help links shouldn't be shown if a property pointing to the public documentation is invalid or empty | DAP-40386 |
Links to the Datameer public documentation are not shown within the white labeled Datameer UI by default. The links are only shown when the property 'doc url' is set. This is also valid for the 'Help' menu. |
3 | FileBrowser: Optimize BrowserService calls for better performance | DAP-40565 |
The BrowserService is now optimized not to access "WB#getSheets" and "WB#isSync". |
Bug fixes
1 | Upgrading Datameer: After an upgrade several workbooks stuck at the "Registering operations for sheet" phase. | DAP-40534 |
Datameer workbooks don't get stuck anymore. | Bug fixed. |
2 | Performance: Browser list-files show a slow performance when the folder contains workbooks with data-driven scheduling | DAP-40544 |
Browser list-files work with regular performance when a folder contains workbooks with data-driven scheduling. | Bug fixed. |
Datameer 10.1.4
1 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add Support for Cloudera CDP-DC/ Cloudera Runtime 7.1.1 | DAP-40110 |
Datameer now supports Cloudera Runtime version 7.1.1. |
2 | Workbook: Change 'SHIFTTIMEZONE' function arguments' name | DAP-40199 |
The description of the function arguments has been changed in the formula builder to prevent ambiguities. There is now behavior change of the functionality of the function itself. |
3 | Setup: Enable the 'DAS_USER' property in the 'etc/' file to reflect the assigned service account | DAP-40247 |
Adjusting this parameter is critical in saving the Admin from themselves by preventing an accidental startup of Datameer without first assuming the proper service account. The property 'DAS_USER' must be enabled in the 'etc/' file. |
4 | Workbook: Extend variable value length | DAP-40265 |
Within a fresh Datameer distribution, it is now possible to create variable values with more than 255 characters. |
5 | Performance: Validate Datameer license status once a day only | DAP-40272 |
A Datameer license now gets checked with the first user authentication or scheduled job run after midnight (local time) and is valid 24 h afterwards. |
6 | Workbook: Validate cross joins for SQL sheets | DAP-40276 |
Datameer validates queries of SQL sheets and notifies an analyst if he accidentally created a cross join in a 'FROM' section. Furthermore Datameer allows the explicit usage of a 'cross join' syntax. The validation can be enabled by setting the 'sql-cross-join.enabled property' in the '' configuration file. |
7 | Setup: Document MariaDB as a supported database dialect for Datameer's metadata database | DAP-40293 |
MariaDB is now listed as a valid setting for the ''. |
8 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add Support for Amazon EMR v5.30.0 | DAP-40355 |
Datameer now supports Amazon EMR v5.30.0. |
9 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add Support for Amazon EMR v6.0.0 | DAP-40354 |
Datameer now supports Amazon EMR v6.0.0. |
Bug fixes
1 | Import/ Export: Add tooltips for long column names in Full Data and Export Wizard step 'Choose Sheet' | DAP-38627 |
Datameer now renders tooltips for long column names. | Bug fixed. |
2 | Import Job: Browse all data, and job details are opened in separate tabs | DAP-39613 |
Datameer stays in the same browser tab during navigation after running an import job. | Bug fixed. |
3 | Import Job: 'DelegateImportFormat' and 'SequenceFileType' create an empty configuration instead of using the provided one | DAP-39884 |
Datameer now validates for properly configured 'io.serializations' settings for custom sequence file formats. | Bug fixed. |
4 | Import/ Export: Error during an ImportJob creation | DAP-40148 |
While creating a BigQuery-based ImportJob in a Google BigQuery connection, no 'IllegalArgumentException' error is shown in the 'Data Details' step anymore. | Bug fixed. |
5 | Workbook: Can not rename a source column from a SQL joined sheet | DAP-40158 |
Renaming a source column of a SQL sheet doesn't lead to an error any more. | Bug fixed. |
6 | Import: Can't import an AVRO file via HDFS HA Connection | DAP-40172 |
Importing AVRO files from HA HDFS connections now works. | Bug fixed. |
7 | Setup: Datameer doesn't clean up temporary data | DAP-40242 |
Datameer does a clean-up of its temporary folder during a start-up as long it is configured under Datameer's installation directory, but keeps it untouched otherwise. | Bug fixed. |
8 | HiveServer2 Plug-in: Enable support of mid-column schema changes of an underlying Hive table (AVRO & Parquet) | DAP-40267 |
Datameer's Hive plug-in is supporting mid-column schema changes for Parquet and AVRO storage formats now. | Bug fixed. |
9 | File Browser: Details of an error dialog box opens a new browser tab | DAP-40292 |
Error details are now rendered in the current browser tab. | Bug fixed. |
10 | Import Job: An import job is still referenced in a workbook after deleted the datasource in the workbook | DAP-40321 |
When deleting a datasource, the current workbook holds no further references to it anymore. | Bug fixed. |
11 | Workbook: Workbook job run fails with an SQL sheet | DAP-40327 |
The 'deploy.mode' is passed in for SQL sheets correctly now and the job run doesn't fail any longer. | Bug fixed. |
12 | Administration: The "User can see every file and folder" permission grants 'View Full Results' without an explicit mention. | DAP-40366 |
Using this permission does not grant access to view data, only to see the files and folders. The ability to grant view full results became be a separate option to modify underneath. | Bug fixed. |
13 | Connection: Issue connecting to Amazon Athena | DAP-40372 |
The connection to Athena now works when in the custom properties the 'das.jdbc.import.transaction-isolation=TRANSACTION_NONE' property is set. | Bug fixed. |
14 | File Browser: Abort in 'Duplicate Folder' or 'Paste Folder' does not work | DAP-40374 |
Clicking the 'Abort' button while duplicating or pasting a folder now cancels the operation. | Bug fixed. |
15 | REST API: REST API v1 vs v2 - inconsistent handling of workbook UUIDs | DAP-40400 |
The REST API v2 will generate a new random UUID during POST (while a valid UUID is required in the payload, e.g. '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' can be used as a template). | Bug fixed. |
16 | Plug-ins: Errors are swallowed, making it look like the plug-in was successfully initialized | DAP-40406 |
A plug-in will not get registered if there has been an error during plug-in initialization. | Bug fixed. |
17 | HiveServer2: A workbook that contains a datalink drops the records after a schema change of the underlying Parquet table | DAP-40448 |
Datameer now imports all records from before and after a schema change. | Bug fixed. |
18 | Job Status Notification: Validation of the e-mail address according to RFC2822 (in detail: e-mail can contain "&") | DAP-40453 |
Job status notifications for import, export and workbooks jobs can be send via e-mail addresses that contain chars like '&' from now on. | Bug fixed. |
19 | Support Engineer Report: The property 'SupportEngineerReportController.filterFilesLastNDays()' must cut at midnight from the system default timezone, not UTC | DAP-40467 |
The 'Support Engineer Report' now respects the system default timezone. | Bug fixed. |
20 | Plug-in Tez: 'CONSUMED_BYTES/RECORDS' is incorrect in some cases | DAP-40471 |
The plug-in now reports the counters for all (aliased) inputs in the dataset. | Bug fixed. |
21 | Plug-in Tez: A 'job-conf.xml' debug artifact should be written only once per Tez job, not for each vertex | DAP-40475 |
The 'job-conf.xml' debug artifact is only written once for a job now, therefore rate limits like in GCP/ GCS don't occur. | Bug fixed. |
New Features
1 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add Support for Cloudera CDP / Cloudera Runtime 7.0(.3) | DAP-39597 |
Cloudera Runtime 7.0(.3) is now supported. |
1 | Connection: Step 'Save' in connection edit mode - show a list of impacted artifacts when the authentication mode is set to 'SESSION_BASED' | DAP-39087 |
A list of the impacted artifacts is now displayed when the authentication mode is set to 'SESSION_BASED' in the section 'Save' during connections. |
2 | Storybook: Enable new authentication dialog to request credentials | DAP-39088 |
In the storybook a new React component is enabled which requests either user 'Name', 'Password' or 'SSH Key' depending on the used connection. |
3 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add support for Hortonworks HDP 3.1.5 | DAP-39819 |
Datameer now supports Hortonworks HDP 3.1.5. |
4 | Tableau Export Connection: Parallel TDE/ Hyper file generation for Tableau Server exports | DAP-39846 |
Setting the property 'das.splitting.disable-combining=true' while configuring a Tableau connection runs the jobs significantly faster. It is verified that an export of a sheet to the Tableau server launches multiple tasks. |
5 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add support for Cloudera CDH 6.3.3 | DAP-39933 |
Datameer now supports Cloudera CDH 6.3.3. |
6 | Import job/ DataLink Wizard: Request credentials while edit/ create | DAP-39935 |
The property 'enable.authenticationOnJobRun=true' activates the session base authentication feature. If a connection is configured as 'SESSION_BASED' and the authentication is already entered, the wizard will not show the ask for the credentials group. If a connection switches from 'PROVIDED/TEMPORARY' credentials to 'SESSION BASED' and edit/ save the import job, a check after saving in the database table 'job_configuration_property' the properties 'datastore.user_name' and 'datastore.password' must be deleted/ not exist for a session based connection import/datalink job. Furthermore a check after saving in the database table 'dap_job_configuration' column 'schedule_enabled' must be true (1) for 'PROVIDED' and 'TEMPORARY' and false (0) for 'SESSION BASED'. |
7 | Workbook: Display a "Save" button in toolbar | DAP-40047 |
You can now click on a 'Save' button in the UI toolbar again to safe changes within a workbook. |
8 | Workbook: Workbook Saving - Default to working path | DAP-40055 |
When closing a workbook for the first time, the workbook is saved in the folder it was created from and not in home folder upon exit. A workbook message does not read "saved under home folder" but using the actual path where the workbook is stored. When closing the File Browser the workbook is saved in the folder it was created from. |
9 | Supported Hadoop Distributions: Add HBase 2 support for Cloudera CDH 6 versions | DAP-40109 |
Datameer now supports HBase 2 support for Cloudera CDH 6 versions. |
10 | Tableau Plug-in: Tableau Plug-in allow TDE/ Hyper exports to be setup from non-Linux systems | DAP-40147 |
The plug-in for Tableau now allows TDE/ Hyper exports to be setup from non-Linux systems. |
11 | Workbook Settings: Disable scheduling if "request credentials on job trigger" condition is fulfilled | DAP-39939 |
The scheduling menu is disabled if "request credentials on job trigger" conditions are fulfilled. A warning dialog is displayed why the 'Trigger' section is disabled. The REST v2 artifacts for job configurations now contain a new state if scheduling is enabled/ disabled. |
12 | REST API: Enable back authentication for REST API call via session cookies | DAP-40012 |
Datameer has two new security models for for REST API calls via session cookies which can be switched with the property ''. The standard mode requires a CSRF token while the loose mode allows the authentication without a CSRF token. |
Bug fixes
1 | Column Inspector: 'Undefined' shown as a formula string in case of empty columns | DAP-39529 |
Empty columns do not show formulas in the column inspector any more. | Bug fixed. |
2 | Tableau Export: Tableau ExportJobs performance issue | DAP-40034 |
The property 'das.splitting.disable-combining=true' while configuring a Tableau connection runs the jobs significantly faster and multiple tasks can be launched. | Bug fixed. |
3 | Workbook: Duplicating or copy/ pasting a workbook returns an error | DAP-40067 |
Workbooks can be copied and pasted without an error again. | Bug fixed. |
4 | Workbook: 'EXPAND' function column position shows incorrect result for 'GROUPROWNUMBER' | DAP-40087 |
Using the 'EXPAND(LIST)' function shows the correct sequence for 'GROUPROWNUMBER'. | Bug fixed. |
5 | Display key columns first flag causes 'IllegalStateException' in a 'Join Sheet' | DAP-40121 |
Displaying the key columns first flag doesn't cause exceptions in a 'Join Sheet' any more. | Bug fixed. |
6 | Workbook: Can't rename a column in the 'Join Sheet' because of a 'RegularRequirementNotMetFailure' | DAP-40130 |
Column renaming in a 'Joint Sheet' is possible because the broken references check implemented for transformed sheets doesn't affect renaming at other sheet types. | Bug fixed. |
7 | Upgrading Datameer: 7.5.x to 10.1.2 workbook upgrade conversion breakage | DAP-40140 |
Column changes are propagated to all depended workbooks and sheet, not only when upgrading. | Bug fixed. |
8 | Avro Import: 'NoSuchMethodError' with Cloudera CDH-5.14.4 (Hadoop distribution jackson jar binary incompatible) | DAP-40142 |
Importing Avro files works on Cloudera CDH-5.14.4 distributions. | Bug fixed. |
9 | Workbook: Datameer OOM crash when viewing sorted sheet data | DAP-40151 |
The new property '' is introduced to control (volume based) if the sorting will happen in full data view or not. The default value is 256MB. | Bug fixed. |
10 | Datameer Mode: Prevent mixed content issues if Datameer is configured in SSL mode | DAP-40176 |
The button "New System" within 'External Systems' is available for entitled users such as an Admin in a SSL enabled installation, too. | Bug fixed. |
11 | Upgrading Process: After upgrade the search index could be wrong or missing | DAP-39528 |
After the upgrading process, the old search index is deleted and a new index created. | Bug fixed. |
12 | Workbook: Pivot Sheet - While creating/ editing a Pivot sheet the buttons 'Toggle Column' and 'Go To Line' are not disabled | DAP-39770 |
When a Pivot sheet is created or an existing Pivot sheet is edited in a workbook, the button 'Toggle Column' is disabled. When a Pivot sheet is created or edited in a workbook, the button 'Go To Line' is disabled. On Pivot sheet while being in Pivot preview mode clicking on 'Split', 'De-Duplicate' or 'Encode Column', the toolbar buttons dismiss the Pivot review mode. | Bug fixed. |
13 | Workbook: 'Show Dependencies' is very slow and keeps loading | DAP-40023 |
The 'Dependencies' are now displayed in an appropriate amount of time when clicking the icon. | Bug fixed. |
14 | Workbook: It is not possible to use a column in a join if the column was in an error state | DAP-40052 |
You can use a column in a join if the column was in an error state before and switch sheet was involved. | Bug fixed. |
15 | Datameer Grid Mode: EMR - Clustername nor ID are validated while saving the grid mode. | DAP-40100 |
While saving an EMR connection configuration, the clustername and ID are now validated. | Bug fixed. |
16 | Neebo to Datameer Accessibility: Data Warehouse plug-in shouldn't restrict the access to file descriptors by 'HADOOP_CLUSTER_ACCESS' capability | DAP-40201 |
Datameer data is accessible via Neebo since a user needs 'IMPORTJOB_DOWNLOAD' and 'WORKBOOK_DOWNLOAD' capabilities are guaranteed with at least the role 'ANALYST'. | Bug fixed. |
17 | Export Job: Options for 'On a schedule' are missing | DAP-40227 |
When creating an export job, for the schedule method "on a schedule" several options are available, e.g. hourly, monthly. | Bug fixed. |
Datameer 10.1.2
New Features
1 | Add REST API call to look up what a UUID's properties are. | DAP-31229 |
For a UUID Datameer provides the JSON containing the information about the artifact analog to a REST READ call for an artifact ID. |
1 | Connection: In wizard section 'details' validate and store authentication on a session if the authentication session-based option is selected | DAP-39334 |
Authentication data is now validated and stored per session in the 'Connection Details' section within the connection wizard. |
2 | Connection: Show selected authentication mode on 'Connection Details' | DAP-39335 |
Datameer now shows the authentication mode on the 'Connection Details' page if the connection type provides such options (JDBC/MySQL, SSH, SFTP connections). |
3 | Connection: Implement a controller for session-based connection authentication | DAP-39936 |
A new service checks the session id and connection id for session-based authentication connections. |
Bug fixes
1 | Workbook: Inconsistency in error messages for workbooks without a shared source | DAP-38108 |
Error messages are adjusted and are now consistent for errors when working with a shared workbook without a shared source. | Bug fixed. |
2 | Mysql 8.x execute mysql-init.sql fails - no Grant options allowed | DAP-39867 |
Datameer has two new MySQL scripts for running MySQL 5.x and MySQL 8.x databases. | Bug fixed. |
3 | Security: After a failed login attempt, Datameer exposes the LDAP query to fetch users | DAP-39953 |
The error message is shown again as expected and does not expose the LDAP query to fetch users anymore. | Bug fixed. |
4 | Google Cloud Storage is bundled with the wrong Hadoop library | DAP-39979 |
The Google Cloud Storage connector is now bundled with all Hadoop 3 versions. | Bug fixed. |
5 | Infographics: DataSetsController REST API copies full workbook or import job data to DFS (EhCache), therefore the conductor disk space is filling up | DAP-39990 |
The DFSCache button on the developer's page is working again and data is now cleaned up as expected. | Bug fixed. |
6 | DevController: Cache Monitor 'Clear Cache' doesn't purge data | DAP-40005 |
The DFS cache is now cleared when clicking the "Clear Cache" button. | Bug fixed. |
7 | Workbook: Filtering on a column with the 'DENULLIFY' function causes an 'IllegalArgumentException' | DAP-40017 |
The Datameer function 'DENULLIFY' works as expected again. | Bug fixed. |
8 | FileBrowser: Increase polling interval for thr file browser's dependency view | DAP-40038 |
Due to performance, the polling interval while working with the file browser's dependencies view is now increased to 100 sec. | Bug fixed. |
9 | Workbook: Typo in backup and restore error message | DAP-40046 |
The error messages for duplicating and copying/pasting a shared workbook without sharing the data source is now correct. | Bug fixed. |