GitHub Commits

The GitHub Commits application shows you the contribution details made to your GitHub repository. It identifies who is committing changes and finds when your repository is most active. 


The infographic contains the following four sections of widgets to help you understand your GitHub repository:

  • The Commits section widgets show the different times that commits are made, by day of the week, time of day, and both combined using polar area charts. 
  • The Total Commits and Average Commits section has two bar charts to show information about commits to GitHub. The first chart illustrates who makes the most commits in total. The second chart compares who makes the most commits on average in an active week. 
  • The Commit Author section shows the relationship between the average commits per active week and number of words per commit by author using a bubble and scatter plot. The size of each point is based on the count of total commits per author.
  • The last section identifies and compares commit comment words based on their frequency.

Connection and Import

The application uses the import and your GitHub account address to connect to your GitHub repositories. 


The GitHub_Analysis workbook contains all the data necessary to create infographic. The workbook uses counts to measure the number of commits being made within certain time intervals. To track different authors who contribute to the changes of your repositories, the workbook groups authors and counts the number of commits by week. It also counts the number of comment words used in your repository.