Managing Plug-ins and Extension Points

Managing Plug-ins and Extension Points

Plug-ins are software components that can be added to Datameer to enable additional features. This gives users options to customize Datameer to perfectly fit their specific needs.

Learn more about using the Plug-in software developer kit (SDK).

Extensions and extension points are means to extend the functionality of a plug-ins. An extension point can be built within a plug-in that has a set of rules that extensions (features) must follow. Extensions that want to connect to the plug-in must adhere to the plug-in extension point rules.

Plug-ins and Extension Point Administration

Finding the plug-ins and extension administration page

  1. Login to Datameer as an administrator.
  2. Select the Admin tab.
  3. Select the Plug-ins from the menu on the left.

Managing plug-ins extensions and extension points


The Plug-ins menu lets you view the installed plug-in names, versions, and their status. A management tool is available to enable, disable, and uninstall plug-ins and their extensions.

View plug-in extensions by clicking for a drop-down menu of each extension name. When enabling/disabling a plug-in, all extensions for the plug-in perform the same action.

Under the Actions bar:

  • Click the Pause icon to disable a currently enabled plug-in or extension.
  • Click the Play icon to enable a currently disabled plug-in or extension.
  • Click the Trash icon to uninstall a plug-in. 

Extension points

The extension point menu lets you view the installed extension point names and status. A management tool is available to enable or disable extension points and their extensions.

View extension point extensions by clicking for a drop down menu of each extension point name. When enabling/disabling an extension point, all extensions for the extension point perform the same action.

Under the Actions bar:

  • Click the Pause icon to disable a currently enabled extension point or extension.
  • Click the Play icon to enable a currently disabled extension point or extension.

Uploading a Plug-in

From the Plug-ins menu in the Admin tab:

  1. Go to the Upload Plug-in section.
  2. Click Choose File.
  3. Select your plug-in from your localhost. (Must be in .zip format)
  4. Click Open.
  5. Click Upload.

A confirmation of success is displayed in the box below and the new plug-in is present in the plug-in list above.

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