Advanced Spark Configuration

Advanced Spark Configuration

In order to make sure you are using Spark efficiently, there are a few Spark and Datameer properties that advanced users might want to edit. 

All properties can added to the Custom Properties fields of the cluster or workbook configuration or in the Datameer property files.

Spark Execution Frameworks

Set this property to determine which Spark mode you want to use.

SparkClientdas.execution-framework=SparkClientRuns Spark in YARN-client mode
SparkClusterdas.execution-framework=SparkClusterRuns Spark in YARN-cluster mode
SparkSXdas.execution-framework=SparkSXRuns Spark Smart Execution

Each of these works with Datameer Spark auto-scaling and without dynamic resource allocation.

General Properties

The following sub-sections describe properties that apply to all of the Spark execution frameworks. The sections that follow describe properties specific to SparkSX, SparkClient, and SparkCluster frameworks.

Note that the spark.executor.instancesspark.executor.cores and spark.executor.memory properties are performance-related and should be adapted according to the tuning guide.

As of Datameer 6.3

You can autoconfigure the amount of memory used by Spark by setting the spark.executor.memory property to auto. Changing this setting means that Datameer calculates the amount of memory to allot for Spark based on the available YARN memory ad vcores and the available Spark executor cores. This new setting helps make sure Spark is getting enough memory and reduces your need to tune Spark.

Property name


The number of executors if dynamic resource allocation is disabled

For dynamic mode, refer to auto-scaling

spark.executor.cores 1The number of cores allocated to each executor
spark.executor.memory 1g, auto in v6.3

Amount of memory allocated per executor process (e.g. 512m, 2g, 8g)

Heap size settings can be set with spark.executor.memory

Auto allocates the correct amount of memory based on your settings.

spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead executorMemory * 0.10, with minimum of 384

The amount of off heap memory (in megabytes) allocated per executor. This memory that accounts for things such as VM overheads, interned strings, and other native overheads. This tends to grow with the executor size (typically 6-10%).

Don't change the following properties unless you encounter errors.

Property name



Class to use for serializing objects that are sent over the network or need to be cached in serialized form. The default of Java serialization works with any serializable Java object but is quite slow, so Datameer recommends using org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer and configuring Kryo serialization when speed is necessary. This can be any subclass of org.apache.spark.Serializer .


A string of extra JVM options to pass to executors, such as GC settings or other logging. It is illegal to set Spark properties or heap size settings using this option. Spark properties should be set using a SparkConf object or the spark-defaults.conf file used with the spark-submit script. Heap size settings can be set with spark.executor.memory.


A string of extra JVM options to pass to the driver, such as GC settings or other logging. 
Note:  In client mode, this config must not be set through the  SparkConf  directly in your application, because the driver JVM has already started at that point. Instead, set this through the  --driver-java-options  command line option or in your default properties file.


A string of extra JVM options to pass to the YARN Application Master in client mode. In cluster mode, use  spark.driver.extraJavaOptions  instead.


Extra classpath entries to prepend to the classpath of the driver. 
Note:  In client mode, this configuration must not be set through the  SparkConf  directly in your application, because the driver JVM has already started at that point. Instead, set this through the  --driver-class-path  command line option or in your default properties file.

 Can be used to specify the classpath for Snappy libraries.


Extra classpath entries to prepend to the classpath of executors. This ensures backwards-compatibility with older versions of Spark. Users typically should not need to set this option.

Can be used to specify the classpath for HBase libraries.

Extra classpath entries to prepend to the classpath of the driver. 
Note:  In client mode, this configuration must not be set through the  SparkConf  directly in your application, because the driver JVM has already started at that point. Instead, set this through the  --driver-class-path  command line option or in your default properties file.
Set a special library path to use when launching the YARN Application Master in client mode. For example, this propertycan be used to set a path to the cluster's native libraries.
Set a special library path to use when launching executor JVMs. For example, this property can be used to set a path tothe cluster's native libraries.
Set a special library path to use when launching the driver JVM. For example, this propertycan be used to set a path to the cluster's native libraries.
Note :  In client mode, this config must not be set through the  SparkConf  directly in your application, because the driver JVM has already started at that point. Instead, set this through the  --driver-library-path  command line option or in your default properties file.


-XX:MaxPermSize=48m -Xmx16m

JVM options for the spark-submit process launched in the SparkCluster framework.

Enables overriding JVM options for the spark-submit process launched in the SparkCluster framework.

10sSpark Launcher polls application status, the interval between app status fetching can be set with this property.


100ms Max idle time to keep the SparkClient application running.

The Spark context times out after this amount of time remaining idle.

das.splitting.map-wave-count 6The count to influence the number of map tasks DAS uses for internal and for file-based import jobs. Determines how many times a single Hadoop job should use the available map slots.
das.map-tasks-per-node 10Used as a foundation for calculating the optimal number of splits based on the number of physical nodes.

Spark Port Configuration

Don't change these properties unless you encounter errors.

Property name
spark.ui.port4040Port for your application's dashboard, which shows memory and workload data


Port for the driver to listen on, which is used for communicating with the executors and the standalone master
0Port for the driver's HTTP class server to listen on, which is only relevant for the Spark shell
spark.executor.port 0Port for the executor to listen on, which is used for communicating with the driver
0Port for the driver's HTTP file server to listen on
spark.broadcast.port 0Port for the driver's HTTP broadcast server to listen on, which is not relevant for torrent broadcast
spark.blockManager.port 0Port for all block managers to listen on, which exists on both the driver and the executors
spark.yarn.am.port 0Port for the YARN application ,aster to listen on. In YARN client mode, this is used to communicate between the Spark driver running on a gateway and the YARN application master running on YARN. In YARN cluster mode, this is used for the dynamic executor feature, where it handles the kill from the scheduler backend.
spark.port.maxRetries16Maximum number of retries when binding to a port before giving up.
When a port is given a specific value (non-0), each subsequent retry increments the port used in the previous attempt by 1 before retrying.
This allows it to try a range of ports from the start port specified to port + maxRetries.
  1. If the port is chosen randomly (value 0), Spark takes a port between 1024 and 65535 (inclusive) and also tries a range of ports from the start port specified to port + maxRetries.
  2. SparkCluster framework opens a server port on the Datameer conductor instance for launched applications to connect back and report status. The launcher server listens on the localhost only. This port is hard-coded to zero and can't be overridden. This is passed to the launched app using the environment variable "_SPARK_LAUNCHER_PORT", in case you need to inspect this to help debug any connection issues.

Spark Compression

Intermediate compression

Changing the compression.codec to Snappy could lead to performance improvements, but you need to make sure the Snappy libraries are available on each cluster node.

Property Name
spark.io.compression.codeclzfUsed to compress internal data such as RDD partitions, broadcast variables, and shuffle outputs. By default, Spark provides three codecs: lz4lzf, and snappy. You can also use fully qualified class names to specify the codec, e.g. org.apache.spark.io.LZ4CompressionCodecorg.apache.spark.io.LZFCompressionCodec, and org.apache.spark.io.SnappyCompressionCodec.
spark.io.compression.lz4.blockSize32kBlock size used in LZ4 compression. Lowering this block siz also lowers shuffle memory usage when LZ4 is used.
spark.io.compression.snappy.blockSize32kBlock size used in Snappy compression. Lowering this block size also lowers shuffle memory usage when Snappy is used.
spark.rdd.compressfalseDetermines whether to compress serialized RDD partitions (e.g. for StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER). Can save substantial space at the cost of extra CPU time.
spark.broadcast.compresstrueDetermines whether to compress broadcast variables before sending them, which is recommended.
spark.shuffle.compresstrueDetermines whether to compress map output files, which is recommended. Compression uses spark.io.compression.codec.
spark.shuffle.spill.compresstrueDetermines whether to compress data spilled during shuffles. Compression uses spark.io.compression.codec.

Output compression

Example for Apache distributions


Example for other distributions

 Auto-Scaling (Dynamic Allocation)

To remove the need for the cluster-wide NodeManager installations usually required by Spark, Datameer implemented our own dynamic resource allocation logic for Spark. If you want, you can still run Spark using their native implementation if you install the NodeManager plug-in and configure it for Datameer using custom properties. Because Datameer uses its own implementation, SparkClient only deallocates executors when there aren't Datameer jobs running within SparkContext, and SparkCluster only deallocates executors between Spark jobs if the Datameer job includes multiple Spark jobs. Datameer's dynamic allocation is enabled by default.

These properties should be aligned with your cluster settings.

Property Name





Whether Datameer should dynamically scale up or down Spark containers. This property should typically be turned on in order to free up unneeded cluster resources.

When enabled, the Spark context auto-scales executors based on load.


das.yarn.available-node-vcores in v6.3

8, auto in v6.3The amount of cluster cores allocated for Spark auto-scaling.


das.yarn.available-node-memory in v6.3

8g, auto in v6.3The amount of cluster memory allocated for Spark auto-scaling.
Auto-scaling also makes sure that the overhead is included into the calculation. 



Minimum number of Spark executors to kept up per Datameer SparkClient application. These are also kept up when all executors are idle. One Spark executor is equivalent to one YARN container.



Maximum number of Spark executors to use per Spark job. One Spark executor is equivalent to one YARN container.

The Spark context allocates executors up to this amount when required. < 0 means no max

As of Datameer 6.3

The following properties were renamed and now are set to auto:

  • datameer.yarn.available-node-memory to das.yarn.available-node-memory
  • datameer.yarn.available-node-vcores to  das.yarn.available-node-vcores

Setting these to auto uses the available memory or vcores for the node on the cluster with the lowest memory or vcore configuration. This new setting option means you no longer have to configure the properties manually based on your Datameer configuration. When the properties are set to auto, they logs cluster values, while if they are set to a specific value, they log the configured amount. 

Spark History Server

Property name

Whether to log Spark events. This property is useful for reconstructing the web UI after the application has finished.

spark.eventLog.dir file:///tmp/spark-events Base directory in which Spark events are logged, if  spark.eventLog.enabled  is set to true. Within this base directory, Spark creates a sub-directory for each application and logs the events specific to the application in this directory. Users might want to set this to a unified location like an HDFS directory so history files can be read by the history server.

Further information can be found under Troubleshooting.

Spark Mode-Specific Configuration


For default and suggested behavior, changes are not recommended.

Property name




Max data input size threshold for small data sets in SparkSX



SparkSX framework for small data sets



Max data input size threshold for medium data sets in SparkSX



SparkSX framework for medium data sets



SparkSX framework for large data sets



SparkSX default framework for cases when data input is an unknown size


In SparkClient  mode, the driver runs inside the Datameer JVM and the application master is only used for requesting resources from YARN.  B ecause the driver  has already started at that point, the driver properties must not be set and application master properties should be set instead. 

Don't change these properties unless you encounter errors.

Property name

Spark default
1Number of cores allocated for the YARN Application Master

Amount of memory allocated for the YARN Application Master

AM memory * 0.10, with minimum of 384The amount of off heap memory (in megabytes) allocated for YARN Application Master  


In cluster mode, the Spark driver runs inside an application master process which is managed by YARN on the cluster. You can specify the size of the AM in cluster mode using the driver properties. 

Don't change these properties unless you encounter errors.

Property name
Spark default
1Number of cores allocated for the driver process
2gAmount of memory allocated for the driver process
spark.yarn.driver.memoryOverhead driverMemory * 0.10, with minimum of 384The amount of off heap memory (in megabytes) allocated per driver

Configure Spark Property Overrides

You can set different scaling settings for SparkClient and SparkCluster by overriding them on a per-execution basis, as in the following example:


The above uses a fixed number of executors for the smaller workloads and uses dynamic scaling for larger workloads. The spark.executor.cores property is shared across both frameworks.

This ability is currently only supported with the SparkClient and SparkCluster execution frameworks and doesn't work with other execution frameworks, such as Tez or MapReduce.

Configure thresholds between SparkClient, SparkCluster, and Tez for SparkSX

Change the following properties in Tez to configure when Tez switches to Spark:

SparkClient max
SparkCluster max