REST API General Information
Find here general information about using the REST API.
Data Compatibility
All JSON files and their formats from previous versions of Datameer X are backwards compatible to work with newer versions of Datameer X.
Usage of Payload
A payload is a JSON representation of all information entered during the creation process using the web interface, e.g. you create a connection via the Connection Wizard in the File Browser. As a result of the creation, the <job-payload>.json is created during a REST API read call and can be used in further REST API calls to adjust the import/ file upload etc.
All mandatory parameters for the payload are set during the creation process of an artifact before.
An example for an export job payload is:
{ "version": "11.1.0", "className": "datameer.dap.common.entity.FileDataSinkImpl", "file": { "uuid": "4150a96a-1177-4b97-a052-afd37a3c6446", "path": "/Data/ExportJobs/Test_ExportJob.exp", "description": "", "name": "Test_ExportJob" }, "scheduleEnabled": true, "pullType": "WHEN_NEW_DATA_COMES_IN", "minKeepCount": 1, "properties": { "character_encoding": [ "UTF-8" ], "consecutive_numbering": [ "" ], "delimiter": [ "," ], "escapeCharacter": [ "\\" ], "filename": [ "/home" ], "header": [ "true" ], "max_filesize_in_mb": [ "" ], "quoteCharacter": [ "\"" ], "replace_data": [ "false" ] }, "hadoopProperties": "", "connection": "/Data/Connections/Datameer server filesystem", "sheet": { "name": "Sheet1", "sheetId": "ef3fb782-4028-4ba2-9f23-ce896b7a9eac", "workbook": { "path": "/Users/admin/Workbook.wbk", "uuid": "ca35dc54-45de-4ffb-aa9e-70f1c194ba9c" } }, "mappings": [ { "name": "A", "srcColumnIndex": 0, "nullable": true } ], "errorHandlingMode": "DROP_RECORD", "notificationAddresses": "", "notificationSuccessAddresses": "", "confirmOverwrite": false, "exportFileType": "datameer.dap.common.csv.CsvExportFileType" }
You can also start Datameer X with the following parameters, causing the internal MBean server to start with Datameer X.
<Datameer Application Folder>/bin/ start --jmx
To do so:
Open the JConsole. The Datameer X RestController opens as an MBean.
# jconsole localhost:6789
Access the following operations. The status for these operations is returned as a JSON either as a file or directly in the command line interface.
readJobStatus readJobHistory readJobExecution deleteJobExecutionData
For enhanced security performance, users are not able authenticate a REST API call using session cookies.
Datameer X recommends using basic authentication when using the REST API.
curl -u <username>:<password>
Cascading Permissions
Request Method | POST |
Description | Grants permissions for multiple groups. |
URI Syntax | curl -v -u '<username>:<password>' -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"owner":"<ownername>","resetGroupPermissions":true,"sharedGroups":[{"group":"<groupname>","readable":<true|false>,"writable":<true|false>,"executable":<true|false>,"readFullData":<true|false>}],"others":{"<groupname>":"All Users","readable":<true|false>,"writable":<true|false>,"executable":<true|false>,"readFullData":<true|false>}}' 'http://<Datameer-serverIP>:<port-number>/api/filesystem/folders/<folderID>/permission/recursive' |
Example Response | { |