Importing HTML Files

Importing HTML Files

The maximum size an HTML file can be when importing or uploading, by default, is 4194304 bytes (4mb). This setting can be changed by using the property:

das.import.whole-text-file.max-size=<size in mb>

Set this for a specific job in the Configuration settings by adding it to the Custom Properties field.

Set this globally by adding the property to the file <Datameer X path>/das-common.properties. After this property is added, Datameer X doesn't need to be restarted.

Importing HTML Files

  1. Create a new Import Job or File Upload
  2. Choose your connector where the HTML file is stored and then choose HTML File Type.
  3. Select the HTML file or folder to import.
    Adjust the HTML parse  option as needed: 

    1Parse the HTML file with no changes
    2Parse the HTML file after removing the metadata information
    3Parse the HTML file after removing the metadata information and all HTML tags

  4. Review the sample data.  
  5. Save and run the new import job or file upload.

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