

Configuring Snowflake as a Connection

To create a Snowflake connection:

  1. Select "+" and then select "Connection" or right-click on a folder in the File Browser and select "Create New" and then "Connection"A 'New Connection' tab opens.
  2. Select "Snowflake" from the drop-down in section 'Type' and confirm with "Next"The section 'Connection Details' opens. 
  3. Enter the Snowflake URL and your Snowflake credentials. 

  4. Chose the storage export environment. Mark either "AWS Simple Storage Service" or "Azure Blob Storage".
    INFO: The Data is first exported to S3 or Blob Storage and then will be moved to Snowflake. 
    INFO: For S3, enter the access key, access secret, your region and the bucket. 

    INFO: For Blob Storage, enter the account, the container and the credentials.

  5. Confirm with "Next". The section 'Save' opens. 
  6. If needed, enter a description and confirm with "Save". The dialog 'Save Connection' opens.

  7. Select the name and storage location of the connection and confirm with "Save". The Snowflake connection is saved.