API & SDK Changes


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Release 11.0


SubjectREST API Job Commands: Functionality to List Active Jobs
Behavior Change
  • the list now contains the 'running' as well as 'queued' jobs
  • the 'jobStatus' of the response indicates whether it is a running or a queued job
Versions Affected 11.0
SubjectREST API v2 Connections: POST and PUT Create Folder if Missing
Behavior Change
  • a folder is created when all capabilities and permissions are sufficient
Versions Affected 11.0


SubjectVariables are Usable for JDBC Based Export Jobs
Behavior Change
  • the method datameer.dap.sdk.exportjob.ExportJobType#createModel(datameer.dap.sdk.entity.ReadableDataSinkConfiguration) is deprecated
  • instead the method datameer.dap.sdk.exportjob.ExportJobType#createModel(datameer.dap.sdk.entity.ReadableDataSinkConfiguration, java.util.List<datameer.dap.sdk.entity.v2.variable.Variable>) is to be used
  • in an export job in the section 'Data Details' the variable can be selected from a drop-down
Versions Affected 11.0