NGRAM_OLD(<string>; <string regular expression for separator>; <number for length>; <number for length>; <number for length>;....)
Returns sub-sequences of N words of a given text. To see subsequences of N characters of a given text, refer to NGRAM. Datameer X tries to match the entire record without automatically adding ^ or $ to the regular expression. But if the record has multiple lines, then this must be accounted for with (?s) or line terminators.
Data (string) |
Datameer X is the best thing since sliced bread |
Example 1
NGRAM_OLD(#RawData!StringColumn;" ";3)
NGRAM_OLD() returns |
Datameer |
Datameer X is |
Datameer X is the |
is the best |
the best thing |
best thing since |
thing since sliced |
since sliced bread |
sliced bread |
bread |
Example 2
NGRAM_OLD(#RawData!StringColumn;" ";1;2;3)
NGRAM_OLD() returns |
Datameer |
is |
the |
best |
thing |
since |
sliced |
bread |
Datameer X is |
is the |
the best |
best thing |
thing since |
since sliced |
sliced bread |
Datameer X is the |
is the best |
the best thing |
best thing since |
thing since sliced |
since sliced bread |
, multiple selections available,