Converts an integer representing a timestamp in milliseconds from January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT to its corresponding date value. Datameer X timestamps are similar to Unix Time, except they are based on milliseconds instead of seconds.
Column1 | MSTODATE returns |
1,287,110,074,001 | Oct 15, 2010 4:34:34 AM |
1,285,497,205,000 | Sep 26, 2010 12:33:25 PM |
1,314,783,045,000 | Auf 31, 2011 11:30:45 AM |
Datameer X always uses the following format:
Three character month abbreviation (space) two digit day (comma)(space) four digit year (space) two digit hour (colon) two digit minute (colon) two digit second (space) two character meridiem notation.
(e.g., 12.01.2012 gets transferred to Jan 12, 2012 12:00:00 AM)
When selecting a pattern, you select the way the data gets parsed (your input format, this can be connected to your systems representation of dates and times).