Exporting to Google BigQuery

Exporting to Google BigQuery

Requirement: Configuring Google BigQuery as a Connection

A Google BigQuery connection with Datameer X must be created before exporting data.


Learn about setting up a connection between Datameer X and Google BigQuery.

Configuring Export Jobs with Google BigQuery

To export a worksheet through a Google BigQuery connector:

  1. Click the "+" button and choose "Export Job" or right-click in the file browser and select "Create New" → "Export Job"The 'New Export Job' tab appears in the menu bar.
  2. Click "Select" to select the required workbook from the drop-down. The 'Select Workbook' dialog opens.
  3. Select the required workbook from the dialog and confirm with "Select".
  4. Confirm with "Next".
  5. Select the required sheet from the pre-selected workbook from the dropdown and confirm with "Next". The tab 'Connection' opens.
    INFO: Only kept sheets are available for the export. If the drop-down doesn't display the sheet, change the workbook setting to keep that sheet.  
  6. Click on "Select". The 'Select Connection' dialog opens.
  7. Click on the required connection and confirm with "Select"
  8. Confirm with "Next". The tab 'Data Details' opens.
  9. Enter the dataset name in 'Dataset'. 
  10. Enter the table name in 'Table'.
    INFO: A new Google BigQuery table will be created if one with the specified name does not exist. 
    INFO: Allowed characters for the table name are upper or lower case characters, digits and underscores. The table name must not start with a digit. 
  11. Select the write preference from the drop-down and confirm with "Next". The tab 'Mapping' opens.
    INFO: 'Overwrite table' erases all existing data in a table before writing the new data. 'Append table' appends the data to the end of the table. 'Write if empty' writes the data only if the table is empty. 
  12. Have a look a the preview and decide which columns will be included and whether empty data is being accepted. 
    INFO: All checkboxes are activated by default. 
  13. Decide how to handle invalid data and confirm with "Next". The 'Schedule' tab opens. 
  14. Select the trigger method for the export and confirm with "Next". The 'Save' tab opens.
  15. If needed, add a description and activate the checkbox 'Start export immediately after save' if the export job shall start right after the save.
    INFO: This option is available when the full data for the workbook is ready to be processed. 
  16. If needed, enter an email address for notifications, and confirm with "Save". The 'Save Export Job' dialog opens. 
  17. Click on the required folder where the export shall be saved, enter an export name job and confirm with "Save". The export job settings are saved. Configuring an export job is finished. 

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