Installation Test

Installation Test

Before deploying large amounts of data with Datameer X do some testing to confirm that Datameer X has been configured properly and is functioning as required.

Once Datameer X is installed, try using the examples provided by Datameer X see the Running the application section of the Installation Guide for details.

Testing Your Installation of Datameer

To test your installation:

  1. Use one of the Datameer X examples with the Hadoop cluster set to Local mode. See Configuring Datameer and Importing Data for details.
    Datameer X suggests using the SCP protocol for your test as it is the easiest protocol to set up. See Types of Data Supported for details.
  2. If you encounter a job failure during testing, see Troubleshooting Tips for possible causes and solutions.
  3. Additionally, remove the jobjars folder in HDFS under the Datameer X private folder before you re-test - this cleans out old code that might be mistakenly re-run on the cluster.
    If all else fails, create a new job to remove what is in the cache. See Importing Data.
  4. When your tests are successful, set the cluster to the desired cluster mode.
  5. You are ready to begin using Datameer.

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