Previously, secure impersonation functioned by having a single super group user, the Datameer X service user, in the Hadoop environment impersonate all authenticated users set in Kerberos. Datameer's new secure impersonation method (Native Multi User) validates each individual user separately using the user's own Kerberos keytab.  

Setup Instructions for Secure Impersonation in Native Multi User Mode

First, create a user for your Datameer X installation. This user will be called the Datameer X service user. Unless otherwise stated, perform the next steps as this user.

Preparing Datameer X for startup using the command line

Configure Datameer X in the UI


Install the license.


  1. Go to the Admin tab.
  2. Click Authentication from the menu.
  3. Configure your Active Directory or LDAP (this example focus on Active Directory in the following steps) by clicking Edit .

    Enter the impersonation attribute. (E.g., userPrincipalName). This is necessary if your users are in different realms. If you don't use it then the configured default realm from your Datameer X servers Kerberos client config is taken to create the principal for the Kerberos Keytab file.

  4. Save the authentication configuration.

    Don't log out! If you log out you will not be able to login again as the current admin user. Only the superuser functionality of DM will be able to log you in again.
  5. Wait until the authentication cache has refreshed.
  6. Click Users  from the menu. Select the groups and users that should be able to authenticate.
  7. Define a new admin user. The current user is no longer valid after logout.

Hadoop cluster

Private Folder Permissions 

Private folder permissions are automatically set up during the installation process of the secured Hadoop Distributed Filesystem. The information below is a detailed description if these settings need to be applied to other tools, such as Apache Ranger.

Datameer X restricts its folder to the following permissions:







datameer private folderdatameer service userdatameer service user grouprwx-----x
datameer private folder 1st level siblingsdatameer service userdatameer service user grouprwx----wx
individual job foldersjob ownerdefault group or grouped shared withrwx

no group sharing → ---

group allowed to edit → -wx

group allowed to view → r-x

no others sharing → ---

others allowed to edit → -wx

others allowed to view → r-x

job execution folderjob ownerdefault group or grouped shared withrwx

no group sharing → ---

group allowed to edit → --x

group allowed to view → r-x

no others sharing → ---

others allowed to edit → --x

others allowed to view → r-x

Changing Ownership of a File or Folder

When using secure impersonation on Datameer X in Native Multi User mode, the Datameer Service User is not a part of the Hadoop superuser group and therefore loses the privilege to change an artifact's ownership. Datameer stores data in the HDFS, and whenever you want to change the artifact's owner, the ownership of the associated files in the HDFS have to be changed as well. Changing the ownership is only possible when there are no data objects ('actual data' and 'job history') associated with this artifact in the HDFS.

Note that changing the ownership via the Set Permission option (bulk amendment) is a bug, as it does not change HDFS objects. 

To change the ownership anyway:

Note: This is not an option for artifacts whose original data sources are not available anymore.

  1. Change to the artifacts detail page. 
  2. Switch to the 'Current Data' section, click on the delete icon from the 'Operations' column and delete the actual data.
  3. Switch to the 'History' section and click on the delete icon from the 'Operations' column and delete the job history.
  4. Switch to the File Browser and click on the artifact. 
  5. From the File Browser Inspector, navigate to the section 'Owner' and change the artifacts owner to your needs. 
  6. Rerun the artifact to regenerate the data under the new ownership.