Install Datameer Express from Amazon Marketplace.
This guide steps through the requirements and process for installing Datameer Express through the Amazon Marketplace.
Product Limitation
- Jobs must be executed on the Datameer server. No other running environment integrations are supported.
- Please refer to the sizing guidelines for workloads.
Desktop requirements
- All desktop users of the platform must have the latest version of Google Chrome installed on their desktops.
- Google Chrome must have the PNaCl client installed and enabled.
- PNaCl Version: 0.50.x.y or later
- All desktop users must be able to connect to the EC2 instance through the enterprise infrastructure.
Sizing guide
Use the following guidelines to select your instance size:
Datameer's Instance Recommendations
Instance type | Average data size workload |
m4.2xlarge (recommended) | 4GB - 8GB |
m4.4xlarge | 8GB - 16GB |
c4.8xlarge | 16GB - 64GB |
The Datameer Express EBS volume type is GP2 and the size is a constant 250GB.
Before you install the platform, please verify that the following steps have been completed.
- EULA. Before you begin, please review the End-User License Agreement. See End-User License Agreement.
Install steps
- Initialize the Datameer Express instance from AWS Marketplace using the Manual Launch option.
- Navigate to EC2 Console for the required region.
- Select an instance type (see sizing recommendations above).
- Set instance configuration parameters.
- Configure Storage: Select a local EBS volume; the default volume includes 250GB storage.
- Configure Security Group: Use a security group that exposes access to port numbers 22 and 80.
- Select AWS key pair for secure access.
- Launch the instance.
- Access the instance via a web browser using a public hostname and login with the following credentials:
- Username: admin
- Password: <instance ID>
- Navigate to View > Admin Tab in the application menu to configure the platform (including user management).
- Product documentation:
- Knowledge base: