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Table of Contents Release Notes

Bug Fixes


Workbook toolbar buttons not functioning in Internet Explorer


Datameer workbook toolbar works with Internet Explorer.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Workbook toolbar buttons not functioning in latest Chrome version


Datameer workbook toolbar now works with Chrome version 89.0.4389.90 (Official Build) and newer.

(tick) Bug fixed.

7.5.11 Release Notes


1Support for Cloudera CDH 6.3.3DAP-40377

Datameer now supports Cloudera 6.3.3 while HBase 2 support is not included.

2Workbook: Extend variable value lengthDAP-40265

Within a fresh Datameer distribution, it is now possible to create variable values with more than 255 characters.

3Support for Cloudera CDP-DC Runtime versions 7.0.3 and 7.1.1DAP-40432

Datameer now supports Cloudera Runtime versions 7.0.3 and 7.1.1 from CDP-DC, while HBase 2 support is not included. This is recommended for using Datameer 7.5 as stop-over version upgrading to newer Datameer versions.

Bug Fixes


Import job is still referenced in workbook meta data after deleting the according datasource from workbook


The workbook does not hold a reference to the removed import anymore.

(tick) Bug fixed.

7.5.10 Release Notes


1Tableau Export Connection: Parallel TDE/ Hyper file generation for Tableau Server exportsDAP-39846

Setting the property 'das.splitting.disable-combining=true' while configuring a Tableau connection runs the jobs significantly faster. It is verified that an export of a sheet to the Tableau server launches multiple tasks.

2Plug-Ins: Tableau Plugin allows TDE/ Hyper exports to be setup from non-Linux systemsDAP-40147

The plug-in for Tableau now allows TDE/ Hyper exports to be setup from non-Linux systems.

Bug Fixes


Tableau Export: Tableau ExportJobs performance issueDAP-40034

The property 'das.splitting.disable-combining=true' while configuring a Tableau connection runs the jobs significantly faster and multiple tasks can be launched.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Workbook: Duplicating or copy/ pasting a workbook returns an errorDAP-40067

Workbooks can be copied and pasted without an error again.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Workbook: Can't rename a column in a 'Join Sheet' because of a 'RegularRequirementNotMetFailure' exceptionDAP-40130

Column renaming in a 'Joint Sheet' is possible because the broken references check implemented for transformed sheets doesn't affect renaming at other sheet types.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Avro Import: 'NoSuchMethodError' with CDH-5.14.4 (Hadoop distribution jackson jar binary incompatible)DAP-40142

Importing Avro files works on Cloudera CDH-5.14.4 distributions.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Workbook: Datameer OOM crash when viewing sorted sheet dataDAP-40151

The new property '' is introduced to control (volume based) if the sorting will happen in full data view or not. The default value is 256MB.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Datameer Mode: Prevent mixed content issues if Datameer is configured in SSL modeDAP-40176

The button "New System" within 'External Systems' is available for entitled users such as an Admin in a SSL enabled installation, too.

(tick) Bug fixed.

7.5.9 Release Notes

Bug Fixes


Dev Controller: Cache monitor 'Clear Cache' doesn't purge dataDAP-40005

The DFS cache is now cleared when clicking the "Clear Cache" button.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Workbook: Unable to duplicate or copy/paste a folderDAP-40008

Duplicating, copying and pasting a folder as well as artifacts are possible again without any duplicate key constraint error. 

(tick) Bug fixed.


Workbook: Filtering on a column with DENULLIFY function causes an 'IllegalArgumentException'DAP-40017

The Datameer function 'DENULLIFY' works as expected again.

(tick) Bug fixed.


File Browser: Show 'Dependencies' is very slow and keeps loadingDAP-40023

The 'Dependencies' are now displayed in an appropriate amount of time when clicking the icon.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Workbook: External sheet doesn't get notified if the source column is deletedDAP-40041

All changes in the source workbook are respected in the children's workbook, too.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Workbook: 'EXPAND' function column position shows the incorrect result for 'GROUPROWNUMBER'DAP-40087

Using the 'EXPAND' function shows the correct sequence for 'GROUPROWNUMBER' again.

(tick) Bug fixed.

7.5.8 Release Notes

New Feature

1Add REST API call to look up what UUID's properties areDAP-31229

For a UUID Datameer provides the JSON containing the information about the artifact analog to a REST READ call for an artifact ID.



Remove 'superuser' related properties from ''DAP-39910

The properties 'das.superuser.enabled', 'das.superuser.username' and 'das.superuser.password' are now removed from the '' and listed in the default properties only. The properties are disabled per default.

Bug Fixes


Workbook: Inconsistency in error messages for workbooks without shared sourceDAP-38108

Error messages are adjusted and are now consistent for error when working with a shared workbook without a shared source.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Infographics: DataSetsController REST API copies full workbook or import job data to DFS (EhCache), therefore the conductor disk space is filling upDAP-39990

The DFSCache button on the developer's page is working again and data is now cleaned up as expected.

(tick) Bug fixed.

7.5.7 Release Notes



Add Support for Amazon EMR 5.28.1DAP-39877

Datameer now supports Amazon EMR 5.28.1.


Add Support for Amazon EMR 5.29.0DAP-39878

Datameer now supports Amazon EMR 5.29.0.

Bug Fixes


Property API: Keyup event for property info input fields of the Property API is not workingDAP-39015

Keyup event now triggers the same actions as for example a change event.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Cannot export Runtime Analytics sheets to HiveDAP-39472

Runtime Analytics sheets can now be exported to Hive.

(tick) Bug fixed.


Partition data table should be indexed for efficient group by queriesDAP-39662

Datameer now adds an index for 'data_partition.relative_path' and 'data_partition.index_key' columns to improve query performance to its metadata database.

(tick) Bug fixed.


LDAP users with more than 1,500 members in their group are not recognizedDAP-39680

All users within a group of more than 1,500 members can now be authenticated.

(tick) Bug fixed.


WorkbookHealthCheck fails with java.lang.StackOverflowErrorDAP-39805

Datameer's 'WorkbookHealthCheck' now successfullyruns for a large number of workbooks in an environment (e.g. 15,000 workbooks or more).

(tick) Bug fixed.


Plug-in Hive-JDBC: Include Hive common JARs for Amazon EMR distributionsDAP-39843

The correct 'httpclient' and 'httpcore' JAR dependencies are now packaged with the plug-in hive-jdbc for Amazon EMR distributions.

(tick) Bug fixed.

7.5.6 Release Notes



Tableau Hyper Export: correct libstdc++ library version loading DAP-39115

Datameer now injects the path to Tableau's native libraries into LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Tez environments when Tableau Server Datastores are used. This can be controlled via the custom property:

Code Block
das.tableau.hyper.native-library-path-injection={true | false}


Add Support for Amazon EMR 5.28.0DAP-39695

Datameer now supports Amazon EMR 5.28.0.

Bug Fixes


Workbook: Buttons are enabled in File Browser Dialog when they shouldn'tDAP-39495

Datameer now ensures that the 'Add Data' button, 'Exchange Data' button and 'Open Workbook' are enabled in the correct context only.

(tick) Bug fixed.



Plug-in Hive: Hive Export fails with wrong impersonating user when it is triggered by dependent workbook with a different ownerDAP-39754

Datameer now impersonates the correct user when an export job from a workbook is triggered.

(tick) Bug fixed.

7.5.5 Release Notes



Optimize multimap value removal code in CombineOnlyDataLocalAlgorithm DAP-39565

Combining splits performance has been improved especially for a large number of splits to combine.


Add Support for CDH 6.3.2DAP-39657

Datameer now supports Cloudera CDH 6.3.2.

Bug Fixes


Hot deployment of a plug-in fails if the plug-in contains a DataStoreType implementationDAP-38885

A plug-in containing a DataStoreType can now be installed and uninstalled in the 'Admin' tab section, (e.g. Hive plug-in.)

(tick) Bug fixed.



Workbook: save dialog doesn't open when user selects 'Close & Save'DAP-39509

Closing a new workbook from the file browser now redirects to the workbook save dialog.

(tick) Bug fixed.

7.5.4 Release Notes

New Feature


Support Engineer Plug-in - Customer Usage Analytics


The SEP contains both high-level metadata and various logs from within Datameer environments. This allows administrators to easily pass necessary information to the Datameer support engineers.



Plug-in Hive: Support Export into new table in format Parquet, ORC, Avro or Text File


When exporting data to Hive, the user is presented with a simple drop-down menu to select the file format. You can choose between Parquet, ORC, Avro and Text File.



Add Support for CDH 6.3.1


Datameer now supports CDH 6.3.1.

Bug Fixes


Artifact ( IJ, Wbk, FU, DL, EJ ) status not updated in dependency view


The entity status in the dependency view reflects the current status (success/ error/ canceled) of this entity.

(tick) Bug fixed.



v7.5: Customer Upgrade: Join Columns in Error


Cascading errors in join sheets don't appear any more. After an upgrade to Datameer version 7.5, columns are migrated successfully. Circular dependencies are detected. Broken workbooks stay broken with the same error.

(tick) Bug fixed.

7.5.3 Release Notes



Add support for Google Cloud Service (GCS) protocol to import and export files


Datameer supports import to and export from39146 Google Cloud Service (GCS) connections.



Add Support for Amazon EMR 5.26.0


Datameer now supports Amazon EMR 5.26.0

Bug Fixes


Upgrade scripts are ignored when using Maria DB


For a fresh installation, the optional_upgrade table in Datameer's metadata database now gets filled, therefore all included optional upgrades for the current Datameer version are set as expected.

(tick) Bug fixed.



Workbook: Data link with workbook pushdown filter reported total records are not always transparent


Datameer now distinguishes more clearly between availability of metrics for total and sample records. (Instead of displaying a count of total rows for a Datalink used by a workbook with a filter condition, we show the message "Showing <number> rows of an unknown number of total rows".

(tick) Bug fixed. Release Notes

Bug Fixes


Can't create a Variable in the Admin section if Datameer serves via SSLDAP-39167

The mentioned source gets called via HTTPS as well when SSL/TLS is enabled in Datameer.

7.5.2 Release Notes

New Feature


Certify Hive Plugin for Amazon's EMR Distribution 5.24 to the Standard Datameer ApplicationDAP-38274

Improved connector to allow Hive access on EMR.



Improve responsiveness of UI for customers with large number of job executionsDAP-39030

Querying very large tables for job executions could take seconds, rendering the file browser UI unusable. Datameer now has an index for the job_status column in the metadata database to speed information queuing and display.



Pivot Workbook Inspector: do not show red border and 'Select values to include" if column was removed manuallyDAP-38910

Datameer now renders an empty column selection field for column names that do not exist.

Bug Fixes


Hive Plug-in - Export: Data-driven Hive ExportJobs submitting with random impersonated user

Datameer now runs the Hive export job with correct user impersonation.

(tick) Bug fixed.
