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Find here all information about uploading a database driver. You can add a new database driver or edit an existing database driver as well as delete one.
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Note that for the HSQL (file) database driver which is pre-installed, in the list of available database drivers, the 'File' column might be empty. The same applies for running Datameer X in MySQL: The 'File' column for the MySQL database driver may also be empty. |
Datameer X supports the following database drivers:
Table of Contents |
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Untested 3rd party JDBC drivers haven't been qualified by Datameer. Generally, ANSI SQL compliant JDBC connections (such as SharePoint or SQL Azure) should work by loading the corresponding JDBC driver. Drivers such as Apache Phoenix that don't support SCHEMA, INSERT, and UPDATE, but do support UPSERT, don't work. At this time, Impala JDBC isn't working. |
Amazon Athena DB
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Receive the Amazon Athena database driver, e.g. from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/connect-with-jdbc.html. |
To add the Amazon Athena database driver:
- Open the "Admin" tab and select "Database Drivers". The page 'Database Drivers' opens.
- Click on "New". The page 'Add/ Edit Database Driver' opens.
- Enter the database name.
- Click on "Upload" and upload the JAR file.
- Select "AWS Athena" from the drop-down.
- Enter the driver class.
- Enter the connection pattern and confirm with "Save". The configuration is saved and displayed in the database driver list.
- Go to the driver download site: Native Redshift JDBC driver (Native Amazon Redshift JDBC 4.1 recommended) or the PostgreSQL JDBC driver.
- Select the correct driver.
- Change your working directory to the download folder.
Extract the Zip file.
- In Datameer X go to the Admin tab and then to the Database Drivers tab.
Click New to add a new database driver.
- Enter the following information:
- Name: Redshift
- Jar File: (your driver)
- Database Driver Template: Amazon Redshift
- Driver Class:
- Redshift: com.amazon.redshift.jdbc41.Driver (4.1 recommended)
- PostgreSQL: org.postgresql.Driver
- Connection Pattern:
- Redshift: jbdc:redshift://%host%:%port%/%dbName%
- PostgreSQL: jbdc:postgresql://%host%:%port%/%dbName%
- Redshift should now appear as an available database driver.
Info | ||
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Find here all information about uploading a database driver. You can add a new database driver or edit an existing database driver as well as delete one. |
Info | ||
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Note that for the HSQL (file) database driver which is pre-installed, in the list of available database drivers, the 'File' column might be empty. The same applies for running Datameer X in MySQL: The 'File' column for the MySQL database driver may also be empty. |
Datameer X supports the following database drivers:
Table of Contents |
Info | ||
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Untested 3rd party JDBC drivers haven't been qualified by Datameer. Generally, ANSI SQL compliant JDBC connections (such as SharePoint or SQL Azure) should work by loading the corresponding JDBC driver. Drivers such as Apache Phoenix that don't support SCHEMA, INSERT, and UPDATE, but do support UPSERT, don't work. At this time, Impala JDBC isn't working. |
Amazon Athena DB
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Receive the Amazon Athena database driver, e.g. from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/connect-with-jdbc.html. |
To add the Amazon Athena database driver:
- Open the "Admin" tab and select "Database Drivers". The page 'Database Drivers' opens.
- Click on "New". The page 'Add/ Edit Database Driver' opens.
- Enter the database name.
- Click on "Upload" and upload the JAR file.
- Select "AWS Athena" from the drop-down.
- Enter the driver class.
- Enter the connection pattern and confirm with "Save". The configuration is saved and displayed in the database driver list.
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- Go to the driver download site: Native Redshift JDBC driver (Native Amazon Redshift JDBC 4.1 recommended) or the PostgreSQL JDBC driver.
- Select the correct driver.
- Change your working directory to the download folder.
Extract the Zip file.
- In Datameer X go to the Admin tab and then to the Database Drivers tab.
Click New to add a new database driver.
- Enter the following information:
- Name: Redshift
- Jar File: (your driver)
- Database Driver Template: Amazon Redshift
- Driver Class:
- Redshift: com.amazon.redshift.jdbc41.Driver (4.1 recommended)
- PostgreSQL: org.postgresql.Driver
- Connection Pattern:
- Redshift: jbdc:redshift://%host%:%port%/%dbName%
- PostgreSQL: jbdc:postgresql://%host%:%port%/%dbName%
- Redshift should now appear as an available database driver.
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Info | ||
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Receive the Azure Cosmos database driver from https://www.cdata.com/drivers/cosmosdb/jdbc/. |
To add the Azure Cosmos database driver:
- Open the "Admin" tab and select "Database Drivers". The page 'Database Drivers' opens.
- Click on "New". The page 'Add/ Edit Database Driver' opens.
- Enter the database name.
- Click on "Upload" and upload the JAR file.
- Select "Azure Cosmos" from the drop-down.
- Enter the driver class.
- Enter the connection pattern and confirm with "Save". The configuration is saved and displayed in the database driver list.
INFO: Find your account key on your Azure Cosmos DB instance under 'settings/keys: SECONDARY KEY'.
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Receive the Azure Cosmos Databricks database driver from https://wwwdatabricks.cdata.com/driversde/cosmosdb/jdbc/spark/odbc-driver-download. |
To add the Azure Cosmos Databricks database driver:
- Open the "Admin" tab and select "Database Drivers". The page 'Database Drivers' opens.
- Click on "New". The page 'Add/ Edit Database Driver' opens.
- Enter the database name.
- Click on "Upload" and upload the JAR file.
INFO: Get the file from https://databricks.com/de/spak/odbc-driver-download.
- Select "Azure CosmosDatabricks JDBC V2.6.x" from the drop-down.
- Enter the driver class.
- Enter the connection pattern and confirm with "Save". The configuration is saved and displayed in the database driver list.
INFO: Find your account key on your Azure Cosmos DB instance under 'settings/keys: SECONDARY KEY'.
INFO: Note that the pattern must contain the expression 'token' as the UID parameter and the '<personal-access-token>' as the PWD parameter that you created in Azure Databricks before.
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Synapse Database Driver
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Receive the Azure Databricks Synapse database driver from https://databricks.com/de/spark/odbc-driver-download e.g. here. |
To add the Azure Databricks Synapse database driver:
- Open the "Admin" tab and select "Database Drivers". The page 'Database Drivers' opens.
- Click on "New". The page 'Add/ Edit Database Driver' opens.
- Enter the database name, e.g. 'Synapse_Driver' .
- Click on "Upload" and upload the JAR file.
INFO: Get the file from https://databricks.com/de/spak/odbc-driver-download.
Select "Databricks JDBC V2.6.xupload the JAR file.
- Select "Microsoft Azure Synapse" from the drop-down.
- Enter View the driver class.
- Enter View the connection pattern and confirm with "Save". The configuration is saved and displayed in the database driver list.
INFO: Note that the pattern must contain the expression 'token' as the UID parameter and the '<personal-access-token>' as the PWD parameter that you created in Azure Databricks before.
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- Go to the driver download site: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=4020&uid=swg21385217
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Receive a driver from here: https:// |
- Select the following driver: Download SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0 - '1033\sqljdbc_3.0.1301.101_enu.tar.gz'
(You may choose sqljdbc_3.0.1301.101_enu.exe instead. In this case, skip the extracting step, and run the executable file.)
- Change your working directory to the download folder and extract the archive.
Extract the tar file.
Code Block tar -xzf sqljdbc_3.0.1301.101_enu.tar.gz
- Find the 'sqljdbc4.jar' driver in subdirectory './sqljdbc_3.0/enu'
- In Datameer X go to the admin tab and then to the Database Drivers tab.
Click New to add a new database driver.
- Enter the following information:
- Name: MsSQL
- Jar File: sqljdbc4.jar
- Database Driver Template: MsSql
- Driver Class: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
- Connection Pattern: jdbc:sqlserver://%host%:%port%;databaseName=%dbName%;selectMethod=cursor;
- MS SQL should now appear as an available database driver.
connect/jdbc/release-notes-for-the-jdbc-driver?view=sql-server-ver15. Select a driver archive appropriate for your system, download the file, and extract it into your local file system. Locate the driver .jar named 'mssql-jdbc-.jar*' in your file system. |
To add the Microsoft SQL JDBC driver:
- Open the "Admin" tab and select "Database Drivers". The page 'Database Drivers' opens.
- Click on "New". The page 'Add/ Edit Database Driver' opens.
- Enter the database name, e.g. 'Ms_SQL_JDBC' .
- Click on "Upload" and upload the JAR file.
- Select "Microsoft SQL Server 2014" from the drop-down.
- View the driver class.
- Adjust the connection pattern and confirm with "Save". The configuration is saved and displayed in the database driver list.
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Receive the MySQL database driver from http://www.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/. The driver .jar file named 'mysql-connector-java-<version>-bin.jar' must be located in your file system. |
- MySQL should now appear as an available database driver.
Netezza DB
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Receive the Netezza database driver from IBM. |
- Open the "Admin" tab and select "Database Drivers". The page 'Database Drivers' opens.
- Click on "New". The page 'Add/ Edit Database Driver' opens.
- Enter the database name.
- Click on "Upload" and upload the JAR file.
- Select "Netezza" or "Netezza V7.0.2" from the drop-down.
- Enter the driver class.
- Enter the connection pattern and confirm with "Save". The configuration is saved and displayed in the database driver list.
- Open the "Admin" tab and select "Database Drivers". The page 'Database Drivers' opens.
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- Go to the driver download site: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/jdbc-112010-090769.html