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If you want to create a connection for a database type such as DB2, MySQL, or Oracle, you need to add the appropriate database drivers to your Datameer installation. To create a connection for a database type that you don't see listed in the file type list, you need to first add the appropriate database drivers to your Datameer installation.

Viewing a Connection Details Page


The 'Connection Details' page provides information of:

  • Connection name: e.g. 'Connection Tableau'
  • Description: if you inserted a description during the first configuration
  • Datastore usage: e.g. 'IMPORT_EXPORT'
  • Authentication Mode: e.g. 'TEMPORARY'
  • Url or Uri: connection URL, e.g. 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dap?tinyInt1isBit=false'
  • Transfer Protocol: e.g. 'Datameer server filesystem'
  • userName: user name for authentication
  • password: password for authentication
  • Connection type: e.g. 'Database'
  • driverClassName: name of the driver e.g. 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
  • Owner: e.g. 'admin'
  • shared with: the group with the needed right to view, edit or run a connection and your personal user rights, e.g. 'You are allowed to view and edit.'

INFO: Not all entries are available for all connections.

INFO: For connections where authentication options are available (JDBC, SSH and SFTP connections), the valid one out of the two authentication modes is displayed: 'TEMPORARY' or 'PROVIDED'. For JDBC/ MySQL connections, the valid one out of three authentication modes is displayed: 'TEMPORARY', 'PROVIDED' or 'SESSION_BASED'. 'SESSION_BASED' is only displayed when the flag '-Denable.authenticationOnJobRun=true' is set.

To open a connection detail page:

  1. Right-click on the connection and select "Show Details"The 'Connection Details' tab opens.
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  2. View the connection information. 
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Create a Connection


For each connection type, different connection setting details are needed. Find the required connection for web services, files, cloud storages, databases and others in the subpages.
