Install a Datameer Enterprise clustered instance from Amazon Marketplace.
Once the stack is created and the Datameer instance is launched, it can be accessed via the web browser using default credentials. See Accessing Datameer Enterprise. By default the instance is not reachable via public Internet. This can be changed during the stack creation by enabling Auto-assign Public IP option.
Within the Datameer application, user authentication and authorization can be handled via the Admin interface. Datameer Enterprise offers both Internal User Management and Remote Authentication (Active Directory and LDAP) options.
Various instance types offer different combinations of the number of vCPU per instance, memory, and network performance - this affects job execution/data processing in Datameer Enterprise. For example, an EMR cluster of 6 instances using the recommended m4.4xlarge type (16 vCPU, 64GiB per instance) processes a medium workload of 1.5GB (100MM records) in approximately 10 minutes. Processing of the same workload can be expedited to ~6 minutes by doubling the infrastructure to 12 m4.4xlarge instances.
Note: An EMR cluster is created with a single "master" instance and x number of "worker" instances. When configuring your Datameer stack, the "Number of EC2 instances in the EMR cluster" defines the number of "worker" instances. For example, leaving this setting with the default value of 2 will trigger creation of the EMR cluster with total of 3 instances of the same type (1 "master" and 2 "worker").
- Locate and select Datameer Enterprise from the AWS Marketplace.
- From the Datameer Enterprise product page, select Continue to Subscribe.
- After accepting the EULA, select Continue to Configuration.
- Select Datameer Enterprise Clustered Edition fulfillment option, the desired product version, and the region in which to launch the product.
- Select Continue to Launch.
It is recommended for customers to select the most recent version of the product and the region in which they reside. - On the Launch this Software page, review your configuration, select Launch CloudFormation action, and click Launch.